Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Happy 50th Birthday to my best friend!!

Today, Sept 30th, I  celebrate my 50th birthday. I thought I would want to push it away, but  instead it feels really amazing. SURPRISE…..the party is happening within me .  To me, 50  looks like five interconnected golded rings.  It's sound is the sustaining notes of the  " FIVE GOLDEN RINGS" of  "The 12 days of Christmas".

 Fifty is  is a doorway ………

And I though it was going to be a bummer..hahahhhahahahaha!!

 When I look in the mirror now, my best friend looks back at me. As I play with my reflection, I wonder how I can keep my skin looking young and fresh and then we (me and myself in the mirror) have a great laugh. We know it doesn't matter and I also wonder for the fun of it what else is possible? Can the body regenerate and last much longer than we thought if the conditions of it's existence change? I wonder about this because I want to know if I have been limiting my choices.  So far, what I am noticing is that as I  open to my true authentic being, I care less about aging and yet I look and feel younger.  I gave myself the gift of a facial for my birthday LOL. Honestly it just appeared to me as an option that felt super nurturing and I wanted to give my best friend an awesome gift. 

 Each of the afore mentioned five golden rings also have gifts for me …gifts of love. This is what I see as I jump through each  ring and align with the one who is receiving  …..

Gifts of expression: A wondrous Carousel ride... with many friends spiralling  around like dolphins, singing and eating hand made chocolate truffles. A Cups Flash mob….if you know how do the cups from the movie "Pitch Perfect"..you are IN. Singers and dancers also welcome. Lot of singing and dancing and playing comes through this golden ring of delight.

Romance….a glass of wine shared with the beloved of my heart as we arise in love through physical pleasure and unified heart field. This is a relationship of the heart. A natural outcome of this golden ring.

Deep purpose immersion…. travelling together in pods all over the planet.  Opening to love in deep playtime. More singing and dancing and swimming and joy. Assisting humanity through quantum play journeys.

Optimal health…. body holds nothing..stores nothing….not controlled by anything..free to be a body as an instrument .  No struggle or questions. The body shows me what it needs and it is given.  Easy peasy!

Gifts of unexpected adundances…..de-linking from the idea that money comes from hard working and aligning with all abundances as a birthright. Yummy!!

I say YES To all of it! OR better! I say YES to letting all of the golden rings show me who I am…for real!

When I came here to this planet 50 years ago,  I said to myself "NEVER AGAIN".  What I meant is that I would not suffer from a false identity. I would not be the fool or be fooled by what I see and hear. I am here to be me… to be my pure angelic heart.  I am here to go way beyond the life of my dreams! Each one of the 5 golden rings is a fast track to love . 

   I am so grateful for my divine heart! 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Extracting the effort out of active lives!
September , the month of new beginnings. 
The start of a school year and the start of new activities are all part of a yearly cycle of playtime that can also be a cycle of stress. As we approach these activities, how can we extract the effort that goes along with getting us there? How can we step into a version of ourselves that knows how to be in the activeness of life at peace. Stressing to get somewhere in order to settle into and recognize ease, creates a cycle of stress, no stress. Is this starting to sound familiar? We give the body the idea that we need stress in order to have peace. This is how and why we keep effort alive. Peace becomes a result of effort and the effort provides us with a purpose. It is such a convoluted sense of purpose that it seems to make sense. We create effort in order to have a purpose…….but WE ARE THE PURPOSE. The Dhali Lama is quoted as  saying,  "the world doesn't need more successful people, it needs more love "

When we can withdraw the idea of effort , then we invite ourselves into a vibrational life model that is no longer bound by thought that creates made up purpose. The effort that we feel is a result of making up jobs for ourselves. These jobs create busy work and the busy work distracts us from the love that we are, which remember is the purpose. This is not something that we can think into creation and therefore the mind can never get us there. When we open up and receive our own unique tones and frequencies, we make a vibrational shift and everything in our external world opens up to reflect that change. Doors are opened and we begin to see things that were always there but out of our sight because we were not in a resonance that allowed us to see . By changing our tuning, we realize that we are "the creators" not "the creation. " A few month ago I had a really neat experience of this tuning change. I went to a music festival where I danced myself open . I felt my body flourish and shift into effervescent joy . In this state of openness, I walked over to the same place I had been earlier and noticed an entire market that I had not seen . This was not a big festival and should have easily been noticeable to me but I could not see it. I wasn't yet available for it and for what it had to offer. Once I opened to receive the sensual nature of my innate self, the market place revealed to me the clothing to support this expression. I felt like I had expanded and there was more air available and it was breathing me. 

There is channel within each of us that is already connected to our own unique master plan. We are not locked into anything ever. . We are free to access this master plan! Revelations like the one I describe above happen to me all the time. As I open to receive me, more is revealed. The deeper I receive myself , the more I can see. Everytime I make a vibrational shift , it feels like a part of the earth under me opens up and everything gets bigger. 
 It's like all of a sudden I can take in more and more is revealed to me. Buildings I had not even seen before suddenly become visible. Places I hadn't know about suddenly become available . New people appear in my life. As I walk down the street in an area I have walked multiple times, I see new houses, and even new streets .

The universe is a dynamic place and everything is constantly in motion. When we live in a constant state of receiving and letting go, creating and recreating, we become dynamic too.

Peace is possible NOW

International Peace Days (Sept 11th -21st)
The shock of the destruction and trauma created on Sept 11, 2001, is still alive in many of us. Carrying this forward makes us feel vulnerable and unsafe. Through recognition of the fear, we create a different way to live. We loosen the heaviness which keeps us closed down. 

…………. merge into the resilient consciousness of oneness.


Travel with us to Sedona Arizona Nov 16th- 23rd. 

As we hike, sing, dance, breath, meditate  and explore, you will be receiving light activations that will  reawaken dormant strands of DNA. You will be turned on to your own unique optimal health, vitality, expression and purpose.  Permanent life changing shifts are available for all in attendance. 


For those who would love a Sedona like experience without leaving home , join us for our tele-seminar series called "Opening to Everything"


Friday, 22 August 2014

Are you brave enough to get rid of Grandma's china?

 It's time to EMPTY THE CART beautifuls!

When we attempt to put more stuff in a full cart, it falls out and tumbles away. The bummer is that most of the stuff in the cart, taking up valuable space, is junk. It is time to  clean out all of our  old 'stuff' so that we can become  receivers of the new. We don't need to stock pile and save stuff.

Sweet beloved friends, today is the only day that matters ever. Even grandma's china, grandpa's watch, or  old uncle Henry's antique table keeps you anchored to a system of old information about who you are. If you love the china or the the watch or the table and it resonates with you and makes you feel light hearted, then it is serving you now as a tool to know the you that you truly are.(long run on sentence ...but necessary). If it is not an object of love, it is anchoring you down and might as well be a ball and chain. You stuff is not your friend unless it is in motion and energizing your life.

The memorabilia from your childhood and your children's childhood is just stuff. Stuff that was created as a tool to express who we were at that point on our evolution, is still just stuff. Once it is created, and no longer serves a purpose, it can be released just like a sand castle is washed away with each tide. We can let it go and re -create. If something you created is hanging on your wall and you love it, then it is still assisting you and walking with you but  if it is dull and flat and done and it is there to please somebody else, please tak'er down and put 'er at the curb with a "take me I'm free sign". Or an even better sign might be , " for the love of God take this stuff so that I can be free to be me."  It's just stuff. Once you create space in your cart, it will begin to fill up with juicy delights that will nourish your path. Doesn't that sound yummy?

"Flat Anatara" and "Flat Kiala "shopping for delicious delights!

When My mother passed away almost two years ago, I cleaned out her apartment and gave everything away. At first ,I hauled some of her items home . Some I enjoyed, some I thought other family members would appreciate and some I thought should be kept. In the end, it only created a lot of busy work for an already exhausted version of myself at that time.  In time, I gave it all away. All of it except for a pair of dragon fly earrings that I happen to love. A love for the freedom that the dragon fly represented for both myself and my mother.  When I wear them, I wear freedom. My mothers stuff was not her, it was just a representation of what gave her comfort in this life. It was the stuff that represented who she thought she was. If I had held on to that version of her to give me comfort, then I would have stopped expanding into the me that I have now become. My mother would never have wanted that for me anymore than  your departed loved ones would want to incarcerate you with their stuff. I invite you to let it go. Use it and love it  or sell it or give it away. It isn't you!!

This is my invitation to everyone………..clean out the basement, the garage, the storage lockers, the books, the cars, the clothes………...even the house if that applies to you……. and watch how your old emotional content starts to bubble up and leave. It has no other choice. Once you let go of the anchor, you start to feel so much lighter and all the relationships around you reflect your light!!

A few months ago, I enrolled in a 6 month Quantum Energy Mastery program and paid $2000  upfront in  non refundable cash.  A month into it, I realized that it was complete for me. Rather than pull myself  backwards through a camels ass (I made up that expression) because I paid for the course, I resigned  and asked my higher self to transfer all of the energy of the $2000 into the next evolution of myself.  I let go of $2000 just like that and walked into the next chapter. Within a week all the money came back to me with an additional $100 to boot!!I was able to sell the course to a friend for $1500 and revenue Canada unexpectedly deposited over $600 in my account.

When your cart is spacious, you can constantly bring in new delights to enjoy and then let them go and enjoy more new delights and then let them go and enjoy more new delights…..this is what  I call sustainability. It is a new perception of sustainability based on everything being in motion.

Let go  and evolve effortlessly into a you that is sustainable and can manifest anything really quickly. The more that we understand and know about instant manifestation, which is another word for sustainability, the more easily that we will choose to let go and re create without judgement or fear. It is all here , we just have to open and receive a version of ourselves that knows where it all exists.

Quantum play journeys is offering two more free tele-classes to assist you to empty your JUNK and have a joy ride with AWESOME!! Our last FREE class was such a brilliant success and that we felt compelled to offer two more.

Join us Aug 28th or Sept 11th, 2014 at 5 pm PST. 

Sign up here!

Flat Kiala and Flat Anatara invite you to a FREE Tele-Class.
Anatara shares a beautiful message from her cottage in Ontario, Canada


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

FREE TELE-CLASS Aug 14th, 2014

 FREE Tele-Class Countdown!!!

Have you ever noticed that when you keep doing the same thing, you get the same results? Join us, let's see what can change. Let's find out what's possible when we step out into the new ! Become the person who no longer needs the problem!
JOIN us for an amazing broadcast of RECEPTIVITY. Rewire your antennae AND STOP EFFORTING YOUR LIFE. Start RECEIVING INTO EXISTENCE!! 

WHY this class and why NOW? If you are feeling called to this broadcast it is because you have been anticipating receiving yourself through this venue. It is the perfect recipe , the supreme alchemy that has been gathering momentum patiently. NOW it is ready! Let's go! Let's do this! Let's live magnificent lives. It is what we came here for!!

Join us AUG 14TH, 2014 AT 5:00PM PST. IT"S FREE!!

Check out our Upcoming Tele-seminar series Starting in  September called "Opening to Everything"

Friday, 8 August 2014

If I can do it, so can you!

One year ago today, as my West Jet flight circled above the Vancouver airport , my heart pounded so loudly  it sounded like another jet engine.  I was about to launch myself into a new life, a new world and a more expanded version of  me . Let's  face it, I came here to live big. As we circled above the newness that was yet to be revealed to me, I said to myself, "imagine what your life will be like in one year from now. " This simple statement gave me the courage to step off the plane! I followed my heart with what I knew in that moment. I had one nights lodging and a 19 year old college daughter to greet me.  I knew what I knew, no more and no less. It was enough to get started.  We never have to know the whole picture. That's GOD/Creator/ Higher Self/Universes job. All we need is the  courageous to step out knowing the bit that we do know and letting the rest be revealed.

Holy Crap what an amazing year it has been!

To say I am not the same person who stepped off that plane would be the understatement of the year. 
I won't bore you with a list but if you are interested in my adventures , I invite you to read previous blog posts.

Now it's time to Celebrate!! Yeah me. I am a being of great courage, kindness, love and bubbly joy. Everyday I open more to the beautiful potency of who it is possible for me to become. 

THREE CHEERS FOR ME!  Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!!

If I can do it, so can you!

What are you celebrating today? Who is the you that wants to know the expression of making a fool out of yourself  for love. I mean the jump up and down kind of of awesomeness that says YIPPEEEEEE, I found a  shiny coin.  YOU CAME HERE TO LIVE AN AWESOME LIFE. Are you ready to get the ball rolling?

My colleague and long friend Anatara Buckely and I are hosting a FREE TELE-CLASS August 15th, 2014 at 5:00pm PST. 

What are you stepping off into right now that has your heart pounding? What are you not stepping off into that is creating anxiety, depression and pain?  Does your business need a boost?  Are you stuck in a relationship?  Are you ready for a carriere change?  Are you struggling with a body image?  Are you in physical pain? Are you in the " I just don't even know what I want" category? As you become a receiver of the vibration that is your innate, natural state, the whole universe moves in to assist you. As you choose a new direction, everything can and will be revealed.

Let's see how we can guide you to bring in the  highest potential of a you that is ready and ripe to be embodied and embraced. Once you let go of the limitations that are holding you back,  you are free. You don't need to crash , go broke or get sick to get your own attention.  Money, optimal health and well being, travels and heart felt relationship are all our birthrights! 

JOIN US for live guidance, coaching, Q&A  and live JOY activations! Let's cross over the threshold into an amazing life! 
Sign up here


When you become a receiver, the first thing you feel is safety!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Receptivity….say yes to the dress

Six days ago I created  a program called "30 days of Momentum". You see, I realized that it was time to become a receiver of the gifts that the universe has for me. I am talking about turning up the volume on Possibilities baby! Quantum Physics is the study of possibility. Quantum energy is about living in possibility. BUT NOTHING CAN HAPPEN IF YOUR RECEPTIVITY IS LOCKED DOWN OR SET to good enough. 

"Open up and receive "is the name of this game. It is a game with no rules because the possibilities are unlimited and it keeps re-inventing itself. How cool is that ?  Each morning I take a small of paper and write on it, "30 Days of Momentun Day # ". Beneath this I write questions like Show Me? and Whatcha got for me today? What do I want to create today? How much love can I be now? Who wants play with me? Everyday, there are different questions.  You see it is all about receive myself into existence. To be clear, I am here to some degree but there is SO MUCH MORE and let's face it,  I am a YES to everything that wants to be given to me.  This is what I call fun!

It is our birth right and natural state to be in the having it all mode because we are it all.  This is real manifestation and not a projection of what your mind thinks it wants. What you think you want is often a by product of who you think you are, based in what you were told.  I am no longer attempting to create anything as a projection of my mind, so the game is getting even juicier. 

The first gift I received was a new wardrobe. Some of my costumes (clothes) were outgrown and did not have the vibrancy to support my life now and so I let them go. Feeling a bit under dressed in my Hawaii garb, I went out for groceries and returned with $500 of new clothing. That was a great surprise and now I not only look great (cute factor went way up lol) but I feel great.  The clothes are  a tool that presented to support me as a divine instrument. The colors and fabrics are perfect. You might think, "well that is fine for you because you have the money to do it." Well actually, I have some money now but I have no idea what will sustain my future. I don't have a pension and I am living now on what I created in the last chapter of my life. I constantly resist the urge to create a financial plan and strategy and instead move into infinite intelligent quantum reality. Receiving something as simple as new clothes when they appear , is sustaining the future because we become "living receptivity." The women in the clothing store were amazing and we had allot of fun outfitting me. Although I used my own credit card to pay for the goods, the flow of the quantum field in and around me felt limitless. I knew that I was creating a flow of sustainable abundance by saying "YES TO THE DRESS. "

If you are thinking that the sub title to this blog should be" the stupid women's guide to being a millionaire, you are right!! My dumb down is opening up a new pathway to financial fluidity Mmmm sounds like a great book title.  More on that another day. 

Getting back to the 30 days of momentum, sometimes, the gift is a stored/ suppressed emotion or a pain or discomfort in the body. WHO WANTS THAT RIGHT? It is like a persistent UPS deliver person intent on delivering it's package. If we run from it, it goes back into storage in the body and we get the same results with life.  The same loops play. The same relationships show up. The same financial patterns occurs. The same health issues pop up. The trick is to look at in the eye without any analysis and ask it, "whatcha got for me." It is GOD/CREATOR energy no matter what it is  and it is unlikely that you can chase it away or ignore it into not existing. Imagine what it would feel like to be ignored into not existing. NO FUN RIGHT? When we get deeply relaxed into the body and ask the energy ,"whats up", it gives it's message and is gone.  Quantum energy transformation is a great tool to have a look at what comes through and consistently produces great results. It helps us to put the full expression of ourselves back into our lives. It is never as scary as you think to face the messenger.  The mind can't process stored emotion so don't even bother trying. This is why therapy doesn't work.  The divine mind, which engages all of your 70 trillion cells , can move energy at 4 million bits per second and can handle anything.  

As the debris clears from the body more fun stuff shows up and as more fun stuff shows up the body clears more debris spontaneously.  I still don't know which comes first, the chicken or the egg  but who cares! You can spontaneous shift stored energy just by dancing with awareness. Singing with awareness, Listening with awareness. This happens to me all the time . TO THE WOMEN  WHO READ THIS BLOG, HOT FLASHES ARE JUST YOUR BODY BURNING STUFF UP.  Next time you experience this heat, call it in. Tell it you are a "go all the way girl" and let it amp up and serve you. This is cheap and effective quantum guidance but you can't be standing outside your own body watching because you don't like the heat. Get in there and have a sauna and let the old stuff go. It's doing it's best to help you.

Had another awesome experience on day 3 and 4 because of the receptivity thing. I saw a flyer for a music festival in Duncan BC and  I knew it would be awesome because I had already received it into existence. I arrived at the parking lot at excatly same time as a mother /daughter duo and we had lots of fun dancing and chatting.  I discovered that those " juggling sticks" I brought attract kids like a bee to honey and so I was able to engage with kids of all ages. FUN FUN FUN!! After, Spirit of the West finished their set, I reluctantly headed toward my car to go home. Let's face it, my dancing feet had given me all they had to give. Just as I was leaving I met a friend (one of 5 people that I actually knew prior the festivities)who invited me to stay overnight in her loft. I SAID "YES TO THE LOFT", which meant that I could return to the festival the next day for more dancing. The next morning, I went to the chapel on the festival grounds for a concert and I swear to you that when I existed, the entire festival opened up even wider. I saw stuff that was not there the day before. (At least it wasn't available to me).  Once again a piece of clothing appeared that transformed my outfit from fairy to Sexy Goddess. Now the bee to honey were the men. LOL I attracted an amazing dancing partner and we whirled like swirling dervishes around the dance floor. When you find a great dance partner, magic happens. By the end of weekend I felt ecstatic and wondered if this is the new me that I am receiving into existence. Am I the ecstasy? SHOW ME MORE! BRING IT!

BTW: Also received a new large tent with two chairs and two sleeping bags (came as a kit) And a surprise inheritance of a small sum of $ from my mother who departed almost two years ago. Thanks for the tent Mother!! 

If you want to open to the flow and become a receiver too, join  us for a FREE Teleseminar on August 14th, 2014. Sign up here!

                              OPENING TO EVERYTHING




Monday, 9 June 2014

Your stuff is not you!!

Having recently returned to Vancouver Island from Hawaii, I am now lighter by a tooth and a storage unit!! Both empty spaces have filled me with new potential.  The tooth needed a root canal and was a source of an dull ache for nearly 4 months. I knew that it was time to say goodbye to an old friend. It had a  crown filling and had survived more than 20 years. It was causing imbalances in other body systems as well as mixed infection in my mouth. As I sat in the dentists office questioning my decision to let it go, I saw a man across the street with one missing leg. I thanked the universe for the reality check and sent my mind on a holiday while the tooth was yanked. When asked if  I wanted to take the tooth home as a keepsake,   I relied "hell no". As for the storage , I had been attempting to  give it away for months but it wouldn't budge. It was like sticky fly  tape. I would attempt to give it away and then take it all back in my mind when nobody claimed it. A cellular upgrade I received in Hawaii provided  information and data that allowed me to see that my stuff is not me. The stuff is just stuff and we give it all the meaning that it has.  Before it became ours, it was an item in a warehouse. Before that it was just raw materials. So what does it really have to do with us other than the definitions that we have given it? Our stuff becomes a source of comfort to us when we have forgotten who we are. When we remember, we begin to see that the whole Universe is constantly attempting to give to us, all the time, 24/7. So giving away stuff that is no longer assisting me to evolve is a cause for celebration. Now that my storage is empty, and there is space in my mouth, I have room to receive what is here for me now. I am excited to see what will enter in to create even more beauty for me in my spaces and places. When I left  Hawaii,  I knew I could no longer walk in the same shoes, so I literally gave them away. As soon as I arrived in BC, two new pairs of shoes presented for my comfort and for dancing!! Thank you Universe. Keep it coming. 

I offer each of you who reads this blog, a heart felt invitation to let go of your stuff. Empty your storage and set yourself free!! It is a liberation that is beyond perfection You don't have to give it all way. Let go of what is done and no longer supports you personally. Is grandmothers china  a wonderful instrument of love or is it an anchor weighing down your cabinet and creating sluggishness in your organs? It is all related. If it is the later, I would be taking it to the nearest pawn shop. If family members object, pawn it off on them. It will be a great tool for their transformation, albeit a harder pathway. When it is gone, you don't need to know what is next. It will be good. The universe is a friendly place. When we evolve past limited thinking , the walls of a perceptual warehouse crumble and what  is revealed will make you laugh so hard you will cry with tears of genuine humour at  your own limited thinking.  Imagine everything..this is what awaits. Seems easy to let go of a few things when you can see that everything wants to given to you.  

As I travelled through Kauai, I realized that It was time for me to create something that would be a wide open invitation for other people to experience what has ben revealed to me. I sourced out of the best of the best of everything and created a Quantum Play Journey to Kauai Hawaii. This WONDERFUL Adventure is now ready for participants to climb aboard. LET'S PLAY

If you are ripe with the need/potential to know what is possible and have the courage to walk side by side with us into the unknown, this journey is for you. Permanent life changing shifts are available for all in attendance  All you have to do is show up!"


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Malama Ika Honua

WOW..what a ride it has been over the past 4 months. I arrived at the Lihue Kauai airport in January with 2 suitcases and a ukulele , a rental car reservation and 3 nights accommodations.  I leave next Friday May 16th with a new family and a new home.  The friendships I have shared here in this short period of linear time have taken me years to cultivate in other places and times. I have met people who have become instant deep and life long gems whom I will travel with for years to come. Others, I have danced with for a sort while but it was deep and sweet and delicious.

The experience has been so profound that I no longer even want what I once had. Now that I have tasted a community in love, that's all I want anywhere.  The simplicity of this is radical and yet innate all at the same time. Radical because it is departure from the cycles of hard work, sleep, eat,  and very little playtime  ( on weekends and holidays) for the sake of possessions and position. Innate, because it is natural to offer our heart felt assistance through what we love to do . Many of us who have come here  have "let go" of the cycles of the external world in order to be here . We have walked away  from high powered jobs, expectations, houses, cars, marriages, families, roles, higher education etc because we feel a call for something simpler and yet more powerful. We are entering into the expression of our uniqueness and finding ways to offer it to the world in ways that feel exciting and tireless.  THIS IS BIG!!

If my passport did not say "CANADIAN CITIZEN", I would simply stay here. Because it does, I have another opportunity to experience what will happen next as I jump into the beautiful pool of chaos that is the unknown.  My airline ticket is set for Maui and then Victoria BC, while my internal compass is magnetized to engaging simplicity, community, connection with the earth, sustainability and the beloved of my heart. I have a much clearer vision of what is pulling me forward and it is so much more enticing than who I have been. I would rather give everything to living in  the expanded field of love , than to the constriction of control and the need to be right. I am sick of being right. 

I give up the right to be right for the pleasure of being in love.

As a member of the Kauai Sacred Earth choir, I had the delicious delight of occupying a space on the stage the evening of May10th . We were a vital part of Kauai's Net Step Concert to bring awareness to the Charter Amendment to give the people back it's right to choose. The people of Kauai are rising up and saying "NO" to being poisoned by the chemicals from the GMO companies. As a non political being,  my approach is to dissolve the thought that created the act of poisoning ourselves and our home. Intentional sound creates a high level of change because it comes from a source that is higher than the level at which the poisoning was created. Sound works on the level of DNA and shifts consciousness.

  People who become ACTIVATED are the most powerful ACTIVISTS because their  ACTIONS are inspired and there is no fight. Nobody gets to be wrong or right. Everybody is doing the best they can with the tools they have, even those of us who poison the planet ( we are all poisoning the planet to some degree)!!

As the event came to a close and the crowd began filtering to the door, the choir gathered in the lobby  for a final send off sonic bath with a song called  "Bless our Planet". We lifted the roof off of the convention centre and provided more momentum for the next resonances required to push through the Charter Amendment. Time will tell. . Everybody at the event now has the opportunity to go out into their world resonating with this high level of truth. This is what will start to break down the status quo in each one of us. This is  called "BE THE CHANGE."  As each one of us questions everything, it all starts to change. I will post a video of the Choir once it become available. Mahalo (Thank You) to our director Daniel Nelson for holding the vision of and creating songs that  have the potential to change the world. Mahalo to 35 choir members and musicians who stepped up and poured yourselves into each song. I am blessed with your friendship. A special Mahalo to Carl, who gave me a subtle and gentle spinal adjustment  that opened me up and made everything flow.


Malama Ika Honua

Malama is to care for, to cherish, to protect.
i ka brings focus to what comes after it
Honua is our blessed sacred Earth

Me and my Moma (she passed on Sept 2012)

During my stay here I have fallen in LOVE with island. I have made LOVE. I have sang LOVE. I have danced LOVE, I have swam LOVE. I have hiked LOVE.  I have eaten LOVE. I HAVE TASTED A NEW LOVE and it has been delicious!!!

I have created a ready made adventure for 12 adventurers who are ready to  open up and experience Kauai, Quantum Style.  Are you one of the 12?
Join us in Kauai Hawaii ,Nov 7 - 17th, 2014 for Kauai Quantum Play Adventure. 

See : Kauai Quantum Play adventure

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Come play with me in Kauai!

        Since my last blog I have shifted to a new home . This was quite unexpected but it was a divine quantum surf from one place to another. So much had changed in me since the lunar eclipse that a new home was presenting as a divine compliment. Two days prior to the move, I confirmed with my room mate that I would stay for another month and two days later I was gone. In the time in between, things got  a bit funky between us and although we did communicate with kindness, I knew "I had been there and done that" and wasn't about to go down that road of pulling in all kinds of stuff from past karmic journeys. NOT NECESSARY. When it is done , it is done. I welcomed what was lingering and triggered by our interaction and let it show itself to me. The body doesn't lie. It shows us what is there in the cellular memory.  It is not a weakness, it is just a memory. Whether, the original event happened 40 years ago or 40 lifetimes a ago (for those who relate to passed lives), it might as well be happening right NOW. When it is triggered, the memory is NOW. You don't need a past life regression to access it, it is already here . The memory surfaces so that we have the opportunity to see it and therefore loosen or completely free ourselves of the power that it has had over our lives. What was presenting for me,  was a  a shaky traumatic feeling and a hitch in my left shoulder area. This has presented most of my life in any circumstance of perceptual conflict or confrontation.  I went to the beach and said "Ok body, I ma not leaving here until this is completely clear". With this very adamant  directive, I provided a fertile space for it to  flow right out of the body. It took several hours but it was fast compared to what I have experienced before.  That night, I went to bed and said ,"show me what to do next , I am going to sleep now." I felt clear and vibrant. The next morning upon awaking, I started packing. So strong was the clarity of the path forward that   I left my beautiful home share and didn't even know where I was going. Before leaving, I tuned in to see how my movement could encompass the WHOLE as a living breathing creation. In other words, I wanted to embrace the whole scenario which included my room mate and her daughter. I saw very clearly that I was to leave a sum of money for my roommate in addition to the rent I had already paid in full, so that her financial needs would be met. The sum of money that I saw intuitively was almost exactly what was in my wallet.

As I  left the house, my body was still showing a bit of the shaky feeling, however I felt a surging wave of supportive love energy propelling me forward.  Having evolved passed panic , with just a few shakes,  I sensed that I was more than available for this leap . I kept saying , WHATCHA GOT FOR ME ENTOURAGE (my cosmic staff)?"Each new moment presented me with an other opportunity to move forward in the form of a call from a friend , an email, an idea or a soothing wave of love. It flowed so fast and effortlessly, it was fun!! I remained consistently focused in the direction of a quantum leap forward . I did not waiver and this created a gigantic opening for everything to conspire to pull me through into the new that was available. As a result, I have a stronger connection to knowing that all is well even if I don't know what is going to happen next.

My new home is located at the base of the Sleeping Giant, which I have written about in a previous blog.  This house feels to me like a place of transitioning from one journey to another. It is a place to stabilize and integrate while sharing in community.  I also feel the space itself continuing to pull out old memory from the body and purge it. What is happening for me is a clearing out of anything that does not 100% support the full expression of my authentic nature.

(Head of the Sleeping Giant)

Last week, soon after arriving at my new place, I received an invitation to go adventuring with a group of friends . As we engaged deeply in play and freedom, with childlike enthusiasm, we stripped off our clothes and enjoyed an artistic  naked photo shoot. I had no idea this would happen but it was supremely fun and  innocence. The body is such a beautiful instrument when we allow it be what it already is. It felt very liberating to partake in this beautiful expression . We sang our hearts open as we joined voices in harmony and laughter.  This is what happens when you say "whatcha got for me universe?" and then dive in.

By the way, in Hawaii nudity is not tolerated. It is culturally taboo at this point in the culture. There is no doubt that nude bodies can bring out a lot of oddness in people. It a source of huge mental and emotional triggers. However, engaging our bodies in play with or without clothes is a  natural, normal birth right. Something to treasure and enjoy on all levels. When we use the body as an instrument of  love, everything lights up around us. Remember , we came into this life naked!!

On May 16th , I leave beloved Kauai and head to Maui for a week of Dances of Universal Peace. Maui feels like a right of passage . I don't know what that means yet, I simply have a sense that I had to be who I am NOW before putting my feet on Maui.  Afterwards I feel the flow to Vancouver island once again.

Since I arrived here in January, I have been aware that I will be facilitating a journey for other adventurers to experience Kauai. It is an experience of knowing oneself and being the embodiment of your own unique expression. I have created an exquisite quantum play journey which will take place Nov 7 - 17th, 2014 for 12 explorers who are ready to take off. Details are almost complete and an itinerary and investment scenario will be available within a week. I am bringing forward the best of everything that I been shown about the island of Kauai. It features,  Hawaiian culture and music, lei  and grass skirt making , hula lesson, beaches, snorkelling, hikes, napali coast boat tour, ukuleles and lessons for everyone, drumming , amazing food…etc.

I have sourced out the best of the best of the best for your enjoyment and unfoldment

JOIN US!!! Nov 7 - 17th for Quantum Play Journey!!
( Quantum Play Journeys, my new web site is almost ready to be launched)


Thursday, 17 April 2014

Settling in

Two weeks ago, I moved into my new house share in Kauai. For the first three nights, I tossed and turned and felt claustrophobic in my small room, despite making it very comfortable. At approximately 
5:00 am on the third night, as the cats created a ruckus in the living room, I felt something go pop and settle in.  Since then, this settling in  continues to expand in the deepest recesses of my cells. I have also realized that Kauai is my home. My tribe, combined with the magnetics of the islands crystalline structure, are a  perfect match. All of this is assisting my body to make the shifts necessary for my DNA to encode with my light realms. In other words, it just feels right.  I feel like I did as a child, enjoying summers at my grandmothers. 

In Kauai, I AM HOME!! 

As the settling in has unfolded, so has the creation of a new webs site called Quantum Play. The pages  are building themselves. As I show up ,  so does my Universal Staff  (entourage and guides)  who are  supporting the project. Paragraphs, images and ideas  have been leaping onto the pages. The creation is a pleasure and it is suprisingly very fast.  When the flow ebbs and I let it rest, the project is easy.  If I work it after the flow ebbs, my intellect takes over and  it is not inspired. It feels like hard work and I usually end up deleting what was created because it does not hold within it the dynamic frequencies of love. The web site has been a perfect playground in which to engage the work easy model.  The KEY has been to let it rest . In the resting period,  creativity is still happening with great ease. For instance during a hike, or a swim or a when I take 5 to breath, I will often be shown the exact image that is required to create the vibrancy that wants to  come forth and compliment the whole.  It just feel so darned exciting.

I also noticed that the web site is like a magnet that is pulling me into the evolution of myself that I am now embodying.  It also creates a portal for others to jump in and play with me.  The web site is a living vortex.

Speaking of a vortex, did you feel the power of the LUNAR ECLIPSE?  On Monday April 14th, as the full moon, still unseen in the Hawaiian sky, orbited the earth, every cell in my body was buzzing.  With a supply of dark chocolate in hand, I headed to the beach,  surrendering to the much needed connection with Gaia.  As the eath was preparing to eclipses the moon, I realized that the only sensible thing to do was to enjoy the ride.  At dusk many more Kauaian's  gathered at the various beaches to watch the event unfold. Within the nestlike warmth of my little pose of beloveds, dancing, singing and drumming  , my cells opened to received  my own unique vibrations.  As the moon waned and then waxed again and everyone said their goodbyes, I lingered on under the  newly evolved light. Starring silently into the fire, the embers sparked outwardly into a new world.  With arms outstretched, spiralling under the brilliant sky, I giggled in delight.  

Since then, my organs have been available for a new storey. I feel like  I have been disassembled and then reassembled into an expanded model of the world. I hear the old complaints  in my head,  and then I hear myself say  "Really? Seriously? That is so BORING?  So done? What is the new storey that is attempting to be shown to me? Bring it on?  Cut the bull pucky and show me the real stuff. Show me the juicy stuff that births love into a whole community". As the organs , bones, tissues , blood system nervous system etc, are all being rewritten, I am hearing a request for  period of continued and intentional connection with the soil and the waters that make up our beautiful island. 

The clearest message that is coming through at this time is this;

It is SAFE TO LOVE. IT IS SAFE TO BE LOVED!! It is time to put down the shield and let love flow!!



 The new web site feels like it will be ready by the end of the month. It feature offerings of Quantum Coaching, Quantum Adventures and Quantum Tele classes. 

JOIN US : For our first QUANTUM ADVENTURE in Kauai, Hawaii Nov 7th - 17th, 2014
  Details coming soon with lots of video and photos!!

 Ho'opii Falls……. just down the street from my new place.

      Beloved Friend!!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Power up and let the plan find me

Taking 5
After 2 weeks of summer camp like playtime at the Kauai Beach house hostile, I felt myself being called to take 5 and let the body take a breath. In other words, I needed time to let my body catch up to all the transformations that I ran through over the course of arising through playtime.  Both my daughter Jill and I felt like a  rest away from the crowd was being requested. She had decided that she would move towards Mauai as her next stop on her own personal journey. Rather than take off with her, I checked in with myself to find that I was still perfectly where I needed to be in Kauai. We found a one bedroom condo to call home for a few days prior to her departure. It was exquisite to have mother/daughter  down time and be nourished by the beauty of the space that had a full working kitchen and our own bathroom. I kissed the fridge and hugged the counter tops in appreciation. I really mean this literally.  To be surrounded by beauty and to nestle into the softness of the clean fresh sheets and towels was the perfect treat. It felt wonderful because it was what was being requested. I would not need or want this all the time. It was simply part of a beautiful cycle that I have been running through and each part of it has been fabulous.

Once Jill departed for Mauai,  I moved across the street to a resort where I held down the hammock and starred up at the clouds for many hours feeling content to do nothing. During this NO-THING time I realized that I was still planning my life ALOT. I was still contemplating my future and attempting to control it. Because I was spending so much energy trying to be somewhere and going ahead of myself to create a safe place, I was not being fully available to be here. As I was rocked in the hammock, I said "I want to be here". I want to be here ,100% engaged without knowing what the future holds. " That choice, that awareness brought me more deeply into HOME than any plans could possibly create As I became available to be here,   my higher levels had something to play with…could take me deeper. I also realized that I was Ok with wherever I called home next because I would be able to deal with the feelings that came up. I was also aware that I had several choices and they were all viable form camping to five start hotels. I was feeling a new sense of freedom of choice and less pull of the emotional responses to not knowing where I would call home. Inspired, I  awoke at 3 am and posted an add for a room to rent on "The Heart Beat of Kauai " web site . I felt it was being answered as it was being posted. By 10 am I had a reply and a room.  Since the demand for lodging on this Island, exceeds the availability, I knew that magic had penetrated the flow and I was IN. I was IN because I chose to be IN.

View from my hammock

Now that I am nettled into my new home, a prefect fit, I feel like a new cycle has began. Another new cycle. No longer a tourist of the island or the world or my own body for that matter, I have now graduated to playful resident and explorer. As each of the 70 trillion cells in my body arise and power up with my own unique consciousness, I make myself available for the plan. This is so brilliant.  I resonate with the frequencies of my own plan and it finds me. Let the plan plan me. Brilliant! Let myself be shown what I want before I even know I want it.

Today was  my first day of having no plan at all and being available for life in this new way. I did not know what to do? So many options. I found myself feeling both low and  content off and on. I found myself asking how would I like to move today? Other than "connect with nature", I got nothing , so I  puttered and let my body rest. Slowing down, gave me the opportunity to engage love more deeply in my writing. To engage love (me) more deeply in each movement.  Perhaps, rest and  quiet was my plan all along. Good job myself. One big inhale and exhale, gives me the answer without any words at all!!

My new love nest

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Guess who caught the bouquet?

I just passed the 6 week mark here on Kauai and it just keeps getting better.  Since moving to the Kauai Beach House Hostel, life has become one big family. People come and go but there is a core OHANA (family) living each day as a song, a dance, a sharing, a kindness …... Some people are working at the hostel in exchange for lodging. Some are passing through on their way to the Kalalau trail. Still others like myself and my daughter are here to enjoy the connection through community living and partake of the bounty of this beautiful islands many beaches and trails. Every day there is a new adventure.

Last week we went zip lining. Not something I would have chosen myself but it seemed like a good idea when it came up.  With a big fat YES , I  decided go for it and abstain from worry .  I figure why worry when perhaps I am no longer the person who is afraid of speed or height. It turned out that it was true. So it would have been a waste to get worked up. After the first few launches off the edge, (a bit of a leap of faith), I developed a need  for speed . I watched a 14 year old boy launch himself off the edge and I followed suit with all I could muster.   We spent the entire day out in the stunningly gorgeous and picturesque outback of Kauai zipping and enjoying the magnificent vistas. Incidentally, this is the very land where Jurassic Park was filmed.  The day ended with a little zip into a fresh water pond. Deep transformation occurred for me that day as I let myself arise through play!!

Jill and Kiala, harnessed and ready for action !!

What you see under us is just the tree line ……the bottom is way way down there under the water falls. Very beautiful. Like the garden of Eden!!

Adventure #2 involved a trip to the end of the road on the west side of the island. After a day of deeply satisfying wave riding at Brenneckes beach in Poip'u, we headed to Pulahale for sunset. The 4.1 mile dirt road, laden with pot holes,  took approximately 30 min to navigate in our Toyota Echo. The end result was well worth the head bobbing and wear and tear on the rental car. We were treated to wild Hawaiian waters and a gorgeous vista looking down the Napali Coast. Heaven on earth. As colours of the sunset and the almost full moon penetrated our senses, we dove into the embrace of the magic of  land and sea and tumbled head long into playtime. During the  30 min return trip, we created a song line starting with "999 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" , that is surely still echoing through the area. Between  stopping for toad crossings in the now darkened road way and belting out melodies with heart opening zeal, the trip was a complete paradigmal blast.

I will end this blog by sharing the Nuptuals of Olive and Jewel. My first same sex wedding.  With very little planning (two days in fact) the ceremony was an inspiration of community giving and sharing.  The two brides declared their intention to be married and everyone jumped to contribute. We even had an in house minister who was able to perform the ceremony. Same sex marriage is legal in Hawaii but not yet legalized in their home state of Oregon. Ohana came out of the woodworks (I really mean this literally) to share their gifts and create beauty. This is what it is like to let go and let the whole universe give to you. A photographer ,who incidentally is also a pole dancer come cirque du Soleil acrobat, shared her talents.  Someone brought champagne and another chocolate with which we  toasted the new couple. Another made a bouquet and someone else appeared with flowered leis. As the ceremony was about to begin a brother showed up out of thin air to play the wedding song requested by the brides. He literally came in out of no where and sang it beautifully. OMG!!! As they pronounced their vows, the sun beamed out from behind a cloud and when they were finished a whale beached to the left. You can't plan that!!! Still gives me goosebumps. The party that followed was a delight of song , hula hooping, tree climbing, coconut pole dancing and sharing of everything. A beautiful day was gifted to all of us.

I asked for community (inside and out) and I am being gifted with it faster than I can think it. Through this connection, my body is letting go of cellularly held memories. Letting go of what I have been taught that is not true. Letting go of habitual worry.  I hear my higher levels, my divine intellect ,whisper softly  "Kialayou have been expecting the worst for a long time but we want to give you the best ride ever. Jump in sister, the waves  that we are sending you are going to take you on a journey of arisement through play. Even if you stumble, we got your back. GO FOR IT."

 Congratulations OLIVE and JEWELS


Landed in my hand like a guided missile!!! Bring it on!!