Extracting the effort out of active lives!
September , the month of new beginnings.
The start of a school year and the start of new activities are all part of a yearly cycle of playtime that can also be a cycle of stress. As we approach these activities, how can we extract the effort that goes along with getting us there? How can we step into a version of ourselves that knows how to be in the activeness of life at peace. Stressing to get somewhere in order to settle into and recognize ease, creates a cycle of stress, no stress. Is this starting to sound familiar? We give the body the idea that we need stress in order to have peace. This is how and why we keep effort alive. Peace becomes a result of effort and the effort provides us with a purpose. It is such a convoluted sense of purpose that it seems to make sense. We create effort in order to have a purpose…….but WE ARE THE PURPOSE. The Dhali Lama is quoted as saying, "the world doesn't need more successful people, it needs more love "
When we can withdraw the idea of effort , then we invite ourselves into a vibrational life model that is no longer bound by thought that creates made up purpose. The effort that we feel is a result of making up jobs for ourselves. These jobs create busy work and the busy work distracts us from the love that we are, which remember is the purpose. This is not something that we can think into creation and therefore the mind can never get us there. When we open up and receive our own unique tones and frequencies, we make a vibrational shift and everything in our external world opens up to reflect that change. Doors are opened and we begin to see things that were always there but out of our sight because we were not in a resonance that allowed us to see . By changing our tuning, we realize that we are "the creators" not "the creation. " A few month ago I had a really neat experience of this tuning change. I went to a music festival where I danced myself open . I felt my body flourish and shift into effervescent joy . In this state of openness, I walked over to the same place I had been earlier and noticed an entire market that I had not seen . This was not a big festival and should have easily been noticeable to me but I could not see it. I wasn't yet available for it and for what it had to offer. Once I opened to receive the sensual nature of my innate self, the market place revealed to me the clothing to support this expression. I felt like I had expanded and there was more air available and it was breathing me.
The start of a school year and the start of new activities are all part of a yearly cycle of playtime that can also be a cycle of stress. As we approach these activities, how can we extract the effort that goes along with getting us there? How can we step into a version of ourselves that knows how to be in the activeness of life at peace. Stressing to get somewhere in order to settle into and recognize ease, creates a cycle of stress, no stress. Is this starting to sound familiar? We give the body the idea that we need stress in order to have peace. This is how and why we keep effort alive. Peace becomes a result of effort and the effort provides us with a purpose. It is such a convoluted sense of purpose that it seems to make sense. We create effort in order to have a purpose…….but WE ARE THE PURPOSE. The Dhali Lama is quoted as saying, "the world doesn't need more successful people, it needs more love "
When we can withdraw the idea of effort , then we invite ourselves into a vibrational life model that is no longer bound by thought that creates made up purpose. The effort that we feel is a result of making up jobs for ourselves. These jobs create busy work and the busy work distracts us from the love that we are, which remember is the purpose. This is not something that we can think into creation and therefore the mind can never get us there. When we open up and receive our own unique tones and frequencies, we make a vibrational shift and everything in our external world opens up to reflect that change. Doors are opened and we begin to see things that were always there but out of our sight because we were not in a resonance that allowed us to see . By changing our tuning, we realize that we are "the creators" not "the creation. " A few month ago I had a really neat experience of this tuning change. I went to a music festival where I danced myself open . I felt my body flourish and shift into effervescent joy . In this state of openness, I walked over to the same place I had been earlier and noticed an entire market that I had not seen . This was not a big festival and should have easily been noticeable to me but I could not see it. I wasn't yet available for it and for what it had to offer. Once I opened to receive the sensual nature of my innate self, the market place revealed to me the clothing to support this expression. I felt like I had expanded and there was more air available and it was breathing me.
There is channel within each of us that is already connected to our own unique master plan. We are not locked into anything ever. . We are free to access this master plan! Revelations like the one I describe above happen to me all the time. As I open to receive me, more is revealed. The deeper I receive myself , the more I can see. Everytime I make a vibrational shift , it feels like a part of the earth under me opens up and everything gets bigger. It's like all of a sudden I can take in more and more is revealed to me. Buildings I had not even seen before suddenly become visible. Places I hadn't know about suddenly become available . New people appear in my life. As I walk down the street in an area I have walked multiple times, I see new houses, and even new streets .
The universe is a dynamic place and everything is constantly in motion. When we live in a constant state of receiving and letting go, creating and recreating, we become dynamic too.
Peace is possible NOW
International Peace Days (Sept 11th -21st)The shock of the destruction and trauma created on Sept 11, 2001, is still alive in many of us. Carrying this forward makes us feel vulnerable and unsafe. Through recognition of the fear, we create a different way to live. We loosen the heaviness which keeps us closed down.
…………. merge into the resilient consciousness of oneness.
Travel with us to Sedona Arizona Nov 16th- 23rd.
As we hike, sing, dance, breath, meditate and explore, you will be receiving light activations that will reawaken dormant strands of DNA. You will be turned on to your own unique optimal health, vitality, expression and purpose. Permanent life changing shifts are available for all in attendance.
For those who would love a Sedona like experience without leaving home , join us for our tele-seminar series called "Opening to Everything"
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