Sunday, 4 May 2014

Come play with me in Kauai!

        Since my last blog I have shifted to a new home . This was quite unexpected but it was a divine quantum surf from one place to another. So much had changed in me since the lunar eclipse that a new home was presenting as a divine compliment. Two days prior to the move, I confirmed with my room mate that I would stay for another month and two days later I was gone. In the time in between, things got  a bit funky between us and although we did communicate with kindness, I knew "I had been there and done that" and wasn't about to go down that road of pulling in all kinds of stuff from past karmic journeys. NOT NECESSARY. When it is done , it is done. I welcomed what was lingering and triggered by our interaction and let it show itself to me. The body doesn't lie. It shows us what is there in the cellular memory.  It is not a weakness, it is just a memory. Whether, the original event happened 40 years ago or 40 lifetimes a ago (for those who relate to passed lives), it might as well be happening right NOW. When it is triggered, the memory is NOW. You don't need a past life regression to access it, it is already here . The memory surfaces so that we have the opportunity to see it and therefore loosen or completely free ourselves of the power that it has had over our lives. What was presenting for me,  was a  a shaky traumatic feeling and a hitch in my left shoulder area. This has presented most of my life in any circumstance of perceptual conflict or confrontation.  I went to the beach and said "Ok body, I ma not leaving here until this is completely clear". With this very adamant  directive, I provided a fertile space for it to  flow right out of the body. It took several hours but it was fast compared to what I have experienced before.  That night, I went to bed and said ,"show me what to do next , I am going to sleep now." I felt clear and vibrant. The next morning upon awaking, I started packing. So strong was the clarity of the path forward that   I left my beautiful home share and didn't even know where I was going. Before leaving, I tuned in to see how my movement could encompass the WHOLE as a living breathing creation. In other words, I wanted to embrace the whole scenario which included my room mate and her daughter. I saw very clearly that I was to leave a sum of money for my roommate in addition to the rent I had already paid in full, so that her financial needs would be met. The sum of money that I saw intuitively was almost exactly what was in my wallet.

As I  left the house, my body was still showing a bit of the shaky feeling, however I felt a surging wave of supportive love energy propelling me forward.  Having evolved passed panic , with just a few shakes,  I sensed that I was more than available for this leap . I kept saying , WHATCHA GOT FOR ME ENTOURAGE (my cosmic staff)?"Each new moment presented me with an other opportunity to move forward in the form of a call from a friend , an email, an idea or a soothing wave of love. It flowed so fast and effortlessly, it was fun!! I remained consistently focused in the direction of a quantum leap forward . I did not waiver and this created a gigantic opening for everything to conspire to pull me through into the new that was available. As a result, I have a stronger connection to knowing that all is well even if I don't know what is going to happen next.

My new home is located at the base of the Sleeping Giant, which I have written about in a previous blog.  This house feels to me like a place of transitioning from one journey to another. It is a place to stabilize and integrate while sharing in community.  I also feel the space itself continuing to pull out old memory from the body and purge it. What is happening for me is a clearing out of anything that does not 100% support the full expression of my authentic nature.

(Head of the Sleeping Giant)

Last week, soon after arriving at my new place, I received an invitation to go adventuring with a group of friends . As we engaged deeply in play and freedom, with childlike enthusiasm, we stripped off our clothes and enjoyed an artistic  naked photo shoot. I had no idea this would happen but it was supremely fun and  innocence. The body is such a beautiful instrument when we allow it be what it already is. It felt very liberating to partake in this beautiful expression . We sang our hearts open as we joined voices in harmony and laughter.  This is what happens when you say "whatcha got for me universe?" and then dive in.

By the way, in Hawaii nudity is not tolerated. It is culturally taboo at this point in the culture. There is no doubt that nude bodies can bring out a lot of oddness in people. It a source of huge mental and emotional triggers. However, engaging our bodies in play with or without clothes is a  natural, normal birth right. Something to treasure and enjoy on all levels. When we use the body as an instrument of  love, everything lights up around us. Remember , we came into this life naked!!

On May 16th , I leave beloved Kauai and head to Maui for a week of Dances of Universal Peace. Maui feels like a right of passage . I don't know what that means yet, I simply have a sense that I had to be who I am NOW before putting my feet on Maui.  Afterwards I feel the flow to Vancouver island once again.

Since I arrived here in January, I have been aware that I will be facilitating a journey for other adventurers to experience Kauai. It is an experience of knowing oneself and being the embodiment of your own unique expression. I have created an exquisite quantum play journey which will take place Nov 7 - 17th, 2014 for 12 explorers who are ready to take off. Details are almost complete and an itinerary and investment scenario will be available within a week. I am bringing forward the best of everything that I been shown about the island of Kauai. It features,  Hawaiian culture and music, lei  and grass skirt making , hula lesson, beaches, snorkelling, hikes, napali coast boat tour, ukuleles and lessons for everyone, drumming , amazing food…etc.

I have sourced out the best of the best of the best for your enjoyment and unfoldment

JOIN US!!! Nov 7 - 17th for Quantum Play Journey!!
( Quantum Play Journeys, my new web site is almost ready to be launched)


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