Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Receptivity….say yes to the dress

Six days ago I created  a program called "30 days of Momentum". You see, I realized that it was time to become a receiver of the gifts that the universe has for me. I am talking about turning up the volume on Possibilities baby! Quantum Physics is the study of possibility. Quantum energy is about living in possibility. BUT NOTHING CAN HAPPEN IF YOUR RECEPTIVITY IS LOCKED DOWN OR SET to good enough. 

"Open up and receive "is the name of this game. It is a game with no rules because the possibilities are unlimited and it keeps re-inventing itself. How cool is that ?  Each morning I take a small of paper and write on it, "30 Days of Momentun Day # ". Beneath this I write questions like Show Me? and Whatcha got for me today? What do I want to create today? How much love can I be now? Who wants play with me? Everyday, there are different questions.  You see it is all about receive myself into existence. To be clear, I am here to some degree but there is SO MUCH MORE and let's face it,  I am a YES to everything that wants to be given to me.  This is what I call fun!

It is our birth right and natural state to be in the having it all mode because we are it all.  This is real manifestation and not a projection of what your mind thinks it wants. What you think you want is often a by product of who you think you are, based in what you were told.  I am no longer attempting to create anything as a projection of my mind, so the game is getting even juicier. 

The first gift I received was a new wardrobe. Some of my costumes (clothes) were outgrown and did not have the vibrancy to support my life now and so I let them go. Feeling a bit under dressed in my Hawaii garb, I went out for groceries and returned with $500 of new clothing. That was a great surprise and now I not only look great (cute factor went way up lol) but I feel great.  The clothes are  a tool that presented to support me as a divine instrument. The colors and fabrics are perfect. You might think, "well that is fine for you because you have the money to do it." Well actually, I have some money now but I have no idea what will sustain my future. I don't have a pension and I am living now on what I created in the last chapter of my life. I constantly resist the urge to create a financial plan and strategy and instead move into infinite intelligent quantum reality. Receiving something as simple as new clothes when they appear , is sustaining the future because we become "living receptivity." The women in the clothing store were amazing and we had allot of fun outfitting me. Although I used my own credit card to pay for the goods, the flow of the quantum field in and around me felt limitless. I knew that I was creating a flow of sustainable abundance by saying "YES TO THE DRESS. "

If you are thinking that the sub title to this blog should be" the stupid women's guide to being a millionaire, you are right!! My dumb down is opening up a new pathway to financial fluidity Mmmm sounds like a great book title.  More on that another day. 

Getting back to the 30 days of momentum, sometimes, the gift is a stored/ suppressed emotion or a pain or discomfort in the body. WHO WANTS THAT RIGHT? It is like a persistent UPS deliver person intent on delivering it's package. If we run from it, it goes back into storage in the body and we get the same results with life.  The same loops play. The same relationships show up. The same financial patterns occurs. The same health issues pop up. The trick is to look at in the eye without any analysis and ask it, "whatcha got for me." It is GOD/CREATOR energy no matter what it is  and it is unlikely that you can chase it away or ignore it into not existing. Imagine what it would feel like to be ignored into not existing. NO FUN RIGHT? When we get deeply relaxed into the body and ask the energy ,"whats up", it gives it's message and is gone.  Quantum energy transformation is a great tool to have a look at what comes through and consistently produces great results. It helps us to put the full expression of ourselves back into our lives. It is never as scary as you think to face the messenger.  The mind can't process stored emotion so don't even bother trying. This is why therapy doesn't work.  The divine mind, which engages all of your 70 trillion cells , can move energy at 4 million bits per second and can handle anything.  

As the debris clears from the body more fun stuff shows up and as more fun stuff shows up the body clears more debris spontaneously.  I still don't know which comes first, the chicken or the egg  but who cares! You can spontaneous shift stored energy just by dancing with awareness. Singing with awareness, Listening with awareness. This happens to me all the time . TO THE WOMEN  WHO READ THIS BLOG, HOT FLASHES ARE JUST YOUR BODY BURNING STUFF UP.  Next time you experience this heat, call it in. Tell it you are a "go all the way girl" and let it amp up and serve you. This is cheap and effective quantum guidance but you can't be standing outside your own body watching because you don't like the heat. Get in there and have a sauna and let the old stuff go. It's doing it's best to help you.

Had another awesome experience on day 3 and 4 because of the receptivity thing. I saw a flyer for a music festival in Duncan BC and  I knew it would be awesome because I had already received it into existence. I arrived at the parking lot at excatly same time as a mother /daughter duo and we had lots of fun dancing and chatting.  I discovered that those " juggling sticks" I brought attract kids like a bee to honey and so I was able to engage with kids of all ages. FUN FUN FUN!! After, Spirit of the West finished their set, I reluctantly headed toward my car to go home. Let's face it, my dancing feet had given me all they had to give. Just as I was leaving I met a friend (one of 5 people that I actually knew prior the festivities)who invited me to stay overnight in her loft. I SAID "YES TO THE LOFT", which meant that I could return to the festival the next day for more dancing. The next morning, I went to the chapel on the festival grounds for a concert and I swear to you that when I existed, the entire festival opened up even wider. I saw stuff that was not there the day before. (At least it wasn't available to me).  Once again a piece of clothing appeared that transformed my outfit from fairy to Sexy Goddess. Now the bee to honey were the men. LOL I attracted an amazing dancing partner and we whirled like swirling dervishes around the dance floor. When you find a great dance partner, magic happens. By the end of weekend I felt ecstatic and wondered if this is the new me that I am receiving into existence. Am I the ecstasy? SHOW ME MORE! BRING IT!

BTW: Also received a new large tent with two chairs and two sleeping bags (came as a kit) And a surprise inheritance of a small sum of $ from my mother who departed almost two years ago. Thanks for the tent Mother!! 

If you want to open to the flow and become a receiver too, join  us for a FREE Teleseminar on August 14th, 2014. Sign up here!

                              OPENING TO EVERYTHING




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