Friday, 10 January 2014

Everybody loves me , even if they don't know it yet!

Welcome to 2014

This year, Christmas season was a delight, as I moved with the various invitations that presented themselves to me. I went to Whistler BC to ski with my son and daughter,  busked in the streets of Sidney BC, participated in the Santa Clause parade, explored Salt Spring Island B.C. and many of the local beaches, performed in a series of 9 shows of "King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundish Table"  played cards,  skated, ate chocolate, shared many lovley meals,  sang karaoke and constantly created beyond the limitations of my mind. The interesting point here is that I have "this much fun" all year round.  I don't limit enjoyment and love to any season. The cool part about Christmas is that more people are available to play and love with me. It just makes the world light up that much more!

I realized today, that I am not on a Sabatical for a year or 2 as I have been describing my life since I closed the door behind me and took off Nov 3rd, 2012.  The truth is,  I am on a journey of enjoyment that will last for all of my life. I am retiring of sorts. Retiring my swords and shields that have protected me from the world. Laying down the notion of protection, competition and storage for the future and availing myself to the endless possibilities of an all loving universe. I am becoming aware that everybody loves me even if they dont know it yet. If I am loved, then what do I have to protect myself from?

With the freshness of this knowing planted in my cells (it has to be in the cells in order for it to be known) , I am moving towards more engagement  in the world community. I am not entering this year with any resolutions or strategies . Honestly people, none of that ever works in the long run. As long as we are engaged in strategic maneuvers, we are operating in a very limited realm of what I will call hopefulness for change. The routines appear to be creating the minds desired outcome, but the minute we stop the behaviour, the results go with it. Strategy  born of resolution is allot of work.  So beyond resolution,  I present the big green "GO" button that says ,"SHOW ME the the whole Universe resonating in each of the 70 trillion cells in my body. TURN ME ON." I don't have to know how this is going to unfold. In fact, the moment I  begin to speculate , I take a strategic stance and it gives more energy to the conflicts that were taught to me and internalized in my cells.  We cannot intellectualize a shift in consciousness. To move out of the limited mental and emotional levels, I am speaking of  a beautiful coming together of a community of cells within the body.  A friend of mine joked recently that she has to eat for three because there are three different peoples inside of her. We laughed and made light of it, but  what she described is true for most of us as we acquiesce to the pull of the multitude of thoughts that have a say over our lives.

It takes a certain skill set to  begin to understand what I am talking about. I use the word skill set very loosely, because it is more of a birthright. It is a knowing that is already available in each of us. It came in with us as conscious intelligence when we were born to this planet but many of us have forgotten completely or are in various phases of remembering. As a result, some people will know right away what I am pointing to and feel instantly lighter . Others will be curious and feel a nudging from their own remembering as it quietly awakens from slumber and begins entraining cellular structure to the field of unlimited possibilities. There's no work in this and  there is no competition, so it is irrelevant where you stand. 

As I awaken to the truth that I am love and I lay down my swords and shields, I am becoming more available to share love in the many ways that it pours through me.  For instance, last night, I got up and sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" at the open mic portion of the bi- monthly Ukulele gathering in Victoria BC. You might think. "big deal, you are always on stage" but it was a big deal for me. You see, I have suffered from stage fright for a very long time. It use to be a debilitating fear, but over time I have gradually replaced the fear with enjoyment. Firstly by going on stage in large groups and then smaller groups. And of course and most importantly opening to the flow of love. Over time the fright  has been reduced to a three point argument from the mind that says, "I am not ready for a solo voice" or "the time isn't right" or "I suck so why bother". LOL. But the reason I bothered is because I know how important it is to share the love that emanates in my cells. It is why I came here to this planet. It has nothing to do with how good I am anyway.  What matters is "how LOVE I am." As I sat in my chair listening to my mind's case against singing solo,  I remembered, " Oh yeah, all of these people love me even if they don't know it yet", and I got up and signed myself up. Once in front of the mic, I shared with the group of about 60 kindred spirits the promised I had made to myself to get up and sing. The promise was not a strategy but an invitation to begin enjoying sharing the love through my voice. In the past sharing has felt like a hardship and I was ready for it to be a pleasure. I also shared that I felt I was among friends.They clapped and cheered and I sensed their love and mine become one. And then it happened , I opened my mouth and love poured out. When I finished, they gave me a standing ovation. It brought tears to my eyes and many others were also moved to tears. It was a moment.

The other offering that has literally come pouring forth, is an afternoon of chant and song on January 19th, 2014. (See the poster below). As Kindred Spirits, Jewel (and believe me she is a Jewel) and I are creating magic together in our love of song, chant, sound, playfulness and silence. If you are in the area of Sidney BC, we welcome you to this  all inclusive community gathering of JOY.


1 comment:

  1. I have never liked thinking about how "good" I am at something , as it always implied a comparison of some sort, to someone or something ... now to consider "how LOVE I am" , is a completely different perspective. This description is going to change the world!
