Friday, 24 January 2014

There is a Crack in Everything

Monday morning, I awoke to the words "the seeds have all been planted and now it is time to get out of the way and let them take on their own life."  What this means to me is that a new cycle has began and there is nothing I need to do to ensure that shift/growth happens. It's done. In fact if I get in there and put attention where it isn't needed, I will just make hard work out of something that doesn't need anything. Over the past 5 months here on Vancouver Island I have planted multitudes of  seeds and nourished them with love, laughter, movement, song, breath and silence. I have had the pleasure of many collaborations with heart centred people with whom the words "I love you" are a regular exchange. The garden has been planted and it's time to leave it alone and watch it grow.

The cycle that completed itself is the one called "I have to be right". It is a state of competition, power struggles and dominance/subservience. The only problem with being right, is that it doesn't allow us to be ourselves and in so doing it totally minimizes our innate ability to create . I can strengthen the lower levels or tune into the level of the reltionhsip of the heart and let it strengthen everything  as it takes on its own life.   Power struggles need a lot of attention and work to keep them going but relationships of the heart are like an inexhaustible free energy supply.

January in BC!!!

Over the course of my 22 year marriage, I noticed that about 30% of the time there was just a man and a women and  the relationship of the heart. There was no separate identity, just a clear space where everything was in a smooth flow and there were no wants that were different than whatever was happening in that moment. Then as spontaneously as it appeared, it disappear. Quite honestly, I felt it wasn't my fault at the time. In reality, it was nobody's fault, it's just that our focus kept the battles alive within ourselves while attempting to solve the problems with our minds. Shifting into 100% marriage of the heart will not happen intellectually which is why therapy doesn't work. It is a matter of choosing to marry with our own higher levels and move away from the battle altogether. If there is nobody inside seeking to battle, then there is no battle.  It's a whole new way and it's a choice you can make in the heat of the moment by taking a breath. That simple act moves the mind away from the battle which creates a crack so the light can get in. This is true for any battle with anyone. As long as there is a battle there is a need to be right. When there is no need to be right, there is freedom.

There is a crack in everything. It's how the light gets in.  It's how the light gets in." (inspired from a song)

To demonstrate  how the new cycle is already taking flight in my life, I present to you the rise and fall of the power struggle. Yesterday, as I was fluting (playing flutes) with a friend of mine, I felt a power struggle rise up in my body as we attempted to come together and create music. To put this into perspective, the person I was playing with did not have any need to struggle with power or be right.  He just likes to play and is not trying to make it be anything. In fact, he graciously and patiently showed me what I needed to know and slowed everything down until I felt sure about it. As the struggle attempted to gain more of my attention, I took a breath and let the battle die out. I saw before me a wonderful kind and gentle teacher and  a new cycle  that does not require struggle. I wonder who else will show up in my path as I continue to lay down my sword and shield. Interesting note, I had been attempting to connect with this friend since October but nothing gelled. The minute the new cycle opened up,  it was an effortless coming together.

What's next? Pack up, let go and take flight. I am off to Hawaii next Tuesday. Shifts in consciousness take time to stabilize in the physical body and Hawaii seems like a great place to chill and let it happen. Last week I mentioned that I had booked a flight to Kauai. When I attempted to book a room a few days ago, I became aware of a familiar thought seeking to create a battle. Every time I got closer to finding lodging, the thought came through in a wave with information from the past . As this was happening, I saw the numbers 333 on  my computer. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book  "Serpents of Light, 333 means that there is choice to make and it will result in either a 666 which means that the lesson has to be repeated or a 999 which is a new cycle.  I immediately called my friend Anatara and asked her to breath with me so that I could more easily marry with my heart and connect with Kauai. Within 5 min of our connection, we were able to find lodging to start the adventure. I felt the 999 light up.  Without the thought of a struggle or a suffering or that things 'should" be  different, there was only clarity . What I wanted came from within the clarity.

Next, I went through all of my belongings and made three piles. Give away, keep or sell. Whatever is not coming to Hawaii can be packed into my car. I am  enjoying traveling light and it is becoming surprisingly easy to let go.  I bought a dolphin coffee table in December and sold it in January. The apartment radiated with it's beauty and now it gets to stay.  It was a no brainer to buy it and a no brainer to sell it to the homeowner. I enjoyed it for about 6 weeks. In the end it's just stuff and there is more stuff to be enjoyed around the next bend. Having grown up with a mother who's email address was gypseylady makes it easier to be in the flow of letting go.

 As I was moving through the apartment making my piles, I realized that there were still little nooks and crannies of the space that I had not physically occupied. Squeezing myself under the bathroom sink, it became apparent it would require quite a few more downward dogs to fold up into that space. (Believe me when I say I tried all the possible scenarios with the same result). Crawling behind the couch, I saw the room from a whole new perspective and remembered that as a child there were no spaces in the home that had not ben explored. Note to self, "Wow , I forgot how much fun this is .  Next, getting down again on all fours, I discovered that the underside of the dinning table is actually divided into two very small areas. Undaunted I wriggled through one side and lost my pants in the process. Emerging bare arse and in tears of laughter, I felt alive in the new cycle.  Here is a short video of myself having fun in small spaces. TE AROHA !!!

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