On January 28th, 2014, I will be flying to Kauai Hawaii. It's interesting to me that somehow this was perfectly orchestrated as another new beginning date without my conscious mind getting involved. I set this in motion last September when I rented a bachelor apartment and payed for four months upfront . The negotiation with the homeowner happened within a five minute conversation but took place in a opinionless space. In other worlds, I didnt think. The words between us flowed easily and before I knew it, I had signed my name on the dotted line, given him my credit card and moved into my new pad. Just the day before, I had decided I would only take the place for a week and test it to out to see if it was Ok. That was my minds backout plan but the universe as my higher self, had already moved in and the space was already set . In fact I had seen it and felt it in a dream like state the night before as I drifted off to sleep, so none of it was a surprise to me and the minds need for control vanished. I still don't not know specifically that I would be heading to Kauai next. So far my plans include a flight. I don't know where I am staying yet nor do I know what transportation will be available. But what I do feel is the presence of the island connecting with me and whispering it's offerings in my ears. The details will become clearer as the departure date approaches.
In the last three weeks I have been experiencing a very high volume of thought. These energies have been flowing through on a more urgent basis partly due to letting my life take on it's own life and taking the next step in the dance. A large part of it is also due to a hyper sensitivity to what is going on globally. Have you noticed an increase in thought lately that makes you want to protect yourself from another or create distance to feel safe? I have been feeling all of this in a hightened way. My body, a guest house to these thoughts and my awareness watching them come and go with no opinion. Resentment, sadness, defiance, happiness, contentment, anger, superiority, inferiority, enough , not enough, competitiveness, survival are all among the thoughts coming forward to be experienced. If I believed it all, I would simply hole up in a corner and stay there frozen and immobile. Unquestioned thought has allot of credibility but once questioned, loses all power. As I was walking around under the full moon on Wednesday, feeling a surge of thought rise up inside of my body, the Buddha emerged in my middle and begin to laugh so hard it was falling over backwards in rapture, besieged by the revelation of it's own mirth. What's so funny, I asked? The Buddha answered, "the idea that we who are LOVE think that we are our thoughts." This is what was making the Buddha crazy. The laughter was a compassionate, kind, all loving, belly fat giggling, enjoyment of humanity in any and all of it's expression. As this rose up into my whole being, all thought was simultaneously and effortlessly questioned and I began to skip , dance and improvise rhythmic meters to the moon. In so doing I was blasting through all densities and literally lightening up the whole area. At the time I had no idea. I was just dancing in the flow of the moon. In the end, blazing through the densities is why I came here to Sidney BC. It's why my consciousness came here. I wasn't on a mission (thank God for that) , I just came here because the big green go button lit up as I drove by and so I stopped and stayed for a while. Most of the time I have no idea what I am doing but I am opening more and more to the presence that "I am" while I am moving through it.
To put all of this in perspective, I am not saying that life has been miserable for the past few weeks. That could not be farther from my experience. What I feel compelled to share is that the sheer volume of thought has had the potential to pull me into a familiar identity but that is not what is happening despite my head getting quite a work out. The space of awareness and light that has taken up residence in my cells has become much less like sticky fly paper and much more like a rubber duck in the rain. The result is that I am birthing many new ideas and concepts that I have never been aware of before. Recently I collected 5 large stones. Two of them came from the beach in Sidney, two more from Island View Beach nearby and another from Salt Spring island. There is a sixth stone coming from Tofino but that has not happened yet. I call it a circle of friends. I don't know why I did this, I just felt compelled to make a circle and sit in it. What I have been experiencing as a result is a depth of silence and stillness that penetrates all thought. This circle is like a opening that connects my body with the wisdom of my creator levels. It assists me to manifest more of myself. To pull myself into this time and space so that I have more access to the intelligence of my higher levels. It's University at it's best and there ain't no studying involved. All I did was collect a few rocks and sit in the middle of them. Cheap tuition!
My friend and mastery teacher William Linville writes in his new book "Relationships with Everything and Everyone":
"Letting your life take on it's own life is not letting the mind level dictate how it's going to be done and when it's going to be done and letting the mind level begin to run you. When you let things take on their own life, you are letting them be a dance and letting it all come to life. You are going to move this way to the left and a whole bunch of unfoldments take place in the space you moved from....."I will let this spew for itself! (spell check changed the word "speak" to spew but I am leaving it because it made me laugh and Will would definitely have a field day with it. )
Today at a Yoga class, I was reminded of my favourite Rumi poem which describes beautifully the experince of hosting thought without becoming it.
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
-- Jelaluddin Rumi,
translation by Coleman Barks
If you are experiencing a high volume of thought don't panic. You are not your thoughts. You are not going backwards. It's just that everything is speeding up so that we can all be free that much quicker.
January 2014 Full Moon
(The Laughing Buddha Moon)
Sunday Jan 19th, 2014 join Kindreds Spirits (Kiala and Jewel) as we plant the simple seeds of Chant and Song in our lives. The Yoga Studio 9819 Fifth Street Sydney BC 1:00pm - 2:30pm.
For an awesome radio show like no other, tune in as Jennifer Hough speaks with William Linville on all that is presenting in 2014!!
Brilliant blog Colette! I so resonate with what you have shared, and agree wholeHEARTedly with questioning the barrage of thoughts that parade through our minds. Your open heart is a gateway to so much presence, joy and freedom. I feel it, I am inspired by you, and someday I will come with you on one of these joy jaunts…when I'm not thinking about it, I will sign on the dotted line :) Bright Blessings!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful Pam. Thank you and I look forward to the joy jaunt!!