Friday, 31 January 2014

Everywhere you carry yourself is home!

“ Everywhere you carry yourself is home. So, welcome home baby”  

This was the note  placed on my pillow, by a dear friend MC when I arrived in  Sidney BC last September.  I have read it often since that first day and these words continue to inspire me to go deeper into the mystery, availing myself to all the delights the pathway has to offer.

  When I arrived in Victoria/ Sidney, I did not know my friends yet. They were there of course, but I had not met them yet. Five months  later as I prepared to take flight for Hawaii , there they were, beautiful people with hugs and lunches and drives to the airport and car parking and plant sitting and last minute play dates and songs.  In my heartfelt love for the community, it rose up and met me as friend. The following images show what was created out of seemingly nothing. Creating is a birth right. It's what we are. We are creators, creating and everything is possible for everybody. 

The Turtle Kiala has now moved her home to the Isle of Kauai……………

So Now it is time to be here in Kauai, Hawaii to bring to fruition the next part of the dream that is dreaming me.  Last year, as I travelled the world, I saw a version of my life where I am living in Canada, Hawaii and travelling as part of a yearly cycle for about 10 years.  Moving to Vancouver Island seemed like a great place to birth this vision because  it is as close as to Hawaii as possible while still having my feet on beloved Canada. As my higher levels inform me what I want, I can see the sketch of what is being create and take the next step. I don’t need to know the whole picture, I just need to know what is possible right now. The vision could also change and that’s Ok too because I know that it will be the “even better” version. Byron Katie in “A Thousand Names for Joy” says “what I have is  what I want or I wouldn’t have it .”  There is no mistake. What I am doing right now is what I should be doing or I wouldn’t be doing it.  Suffering comes from thinking I should have or be doing something other than what I have or am doing right now. “  In light of this wisdom, it seems more creative to ask "what else is possible?"

Today as I leave my hotel room, I do not have a place to sleep tonight. Not yet anyway. Oh but my mind would prefer if this were all sorted out . I have given the journey the green light and although my linear mind would like control, I have  experienced  that" the or better" (better than i could plan) is just around the next corner. The miracles are out there today just waiting for me to receive their bounty.  This is not always comfortable but it is hands down always AMAZING!!!  WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE?"  STAY tuned!


Friday, 24 January 2014

There is a Crack in Everything

Monday morning, I awoke to the words "the seeds have all been planted and now it is time to get out of the way and let them take on their own life."  What this means to me is that a new cycle has began and there is nothing I need to do to ensure that shift/growth happens. It's done. In fact if I get in there and put attention where it isn't needed, I will just make hard work out of something that doesn't need anything. Over the past 5 months here on Vancouver Island I have planted multitudes of  seeds and nourished them with love, laughter, movement, song, breath and silence. I have had the pleasure of many collaborations with heart centred people with whom the words "I love you" are a regular exchange. The garden has been planted and it's time to leave it alone and watch it grow.

The cycle that completed itself is the one called "I have to be right". It is a state of competition, power struggles and dominance/subservience. The only problem with being right, is that it doesn't allow us to be ourselves and in so doing it totally minimizes our innate ability to create . I can strengthen the lower levels or tune into the level of the reltionhsip of the heart and let it strengthen everything  as it takes on its own life.   Power struggles need a lot of attention and work to keep them going but relationships of the heart are like an inexhaustible free energy supply.

January in BC!!!

Over the course of my 22 year marriage, I noticed that about 30% of the time there was just a man and a women and  the relationship of the heart. There was no separate identity, just a clear space where everything was in a smooth flow and there were no wants that were different than whatever was happening in that moment. Then as spontaneously as it appeared, it disappear. Quite honestly, I felt it wasn't my fault at the time. In reality, it was nobody's fault, it's just that our focus kept the battles alive within ourselves while attempting to solve the problems with our minds. Shifting into 100% marriage of the heart will not happen intellectually which is why therapy doesn't work. It is a matter of choosing to marry with our own higher levels and move away from the battle altogether. If there is nobody inside seeking to battle, then there is no battle.  It's a whole new way and it's a choice you can make in the heat of the moment by taking a breath. That simple act moves the mind away from the battle which creates a crack so the light can get in. This is true for any battle with anyone. As long as there is a battle there is a need to be right. When there is no need to be right, there is freedom.

There is a crack in everything. It's how the light gets in.  It's how the light gets in." (inspired from a song)

To demonstrate  how the new cycle is already taking flight in my life, I present to you the rise and fall of the power struggle. Yesterday, as I was fluting (playing flutes) with a friend of mine, I felt a power struggle rise up in my body as we attempted to come together and create music. To put this into perspective, the person I was playing with did not have any need to struggle with power or be right.  He just likes to play and is not trying to make it be anything. In fact, he graciously and patiently showed me what I needed to know and slowed everything down until I felt sure about it. As the struggle attempted to gain more of my attention, I took a breath and let the battle die out. I saw before me a wonderful kind and gentle teacher and  a new cycle  that does not require struggle. I wonder who else will show up in my path as I continue to lay down my sword and shield. Interesting note, I had been attempting to connect with this friend since October but nothing gelled. The minute the new cycle opened up,  it was an effortless coming together.

What's next? Pack up, let go and take flight. I am off to Hawaii next Tuesday. Shifts in consciousness take time to stabilize in the physical body and Hawaii seems like a great place to chill and let it happen. Last week I mentioned that I had booked a flight to Kauai. When I attempted to book a room a few days ago, I became aware of a familiar thought seeking to create a battle. Every time I got closer to finding lodging, the thought came through in a wave with information from the past . As this was happening, I saw the numbers 333 on  my computer. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book  "Serpents of Light, 333 means that there is choice to make and it will result in either a 666 which means that the lesson has to be repeated or a 999 which is a new cycle.  I immediately called my friend Anatara and asked her to breath with me so that I could more easily marry with my heart and connect with Kauai. Within 5 min of our connection, we were able to find lodging to start the adventure. I felt the 999 light up.  Without the thought of a struggle or a suffering or that things 'should" be  different, there was only clarity . What I wanted came from within the clarity.

Next, I went through all of my belongings and made three piles. Give away, keep or sell. Whatever is not coming to Hawaii can be packed into my car. I am  enjoying traveling light and it is becoming surprisingly easy to let go.  I bought a dolphin coffee table in December and sold it in January. The apartment radiated with it's beauty and now it gets to stay.  It was a no brainer to buy it and a no brainer to sell it to the homeowner. I enjoyed it for about 6 weeks. In the end it's just stuff and there is more stuff to be enjoyed around the next bend. Having grown up with a mother who's email address was gypseylady makes it easier to be in the flow of letting go.

 As I was moving through the apartment making my piles, I realized that there were still little nooks and crannies of the space that I had not physically occupied. Squeezing myself under the bathroom sink, it became apparent it would require quite a few more downward dogs to fold up into that space. (Believe me when I say I tried all the possible scenarios with the same result). Crawling behind the couch, I saw the room from a whole new perspective and remembered that as a child there were no spaces in the home that had not ben explored. Note to self, "Wow , I forgot how much fun this is .  Next, getting down again on all fours, I discovered that the underside of the dinning table is actually divided into two very small areas. Undaunted I wriggled through one side and lost my pants in the process. Emerging bare arse and in tears of laughter, I felt alive in the new cycle.  Here is a short video of myself having fun in small spaces. TE AROHA !!!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Another "New Beginning".....onward to Kauai.

On January 28th, 2014, I will be flying to Kauai Hawaii. It's interesting to me that somehow this was perfectly orchestrated as another new beginning date without my conscious mind getting involved. I set this in motion last September when I rented a bachelor apartment and payed for four months upfront . The negotiation with the homeowner happened within a five minute conversation but took place in a  opinionless space. In other worlds, I didnt think. The words between us flowed easily and before I knew it, I had signed my name on the dotted line, given him my credit card and moved into my new pad. Just the day before, I had decided I would only take the place for a week and test it to out to see if it was Ok. That was my minds backout plan but the universe as my higher self, had already moved in and  the space was already set . In fact I had seen it and felt it in a dream like state the night before as I drifted off to sleep, so none of it was a surprise to me and the minds need for control vanished. I still don't not know specifically that I would be heading to Kauai next. So far my plans include a flight. I don't know where I am staying yet nor do I know what transportation will be available. But what I do feel is the presence of the island connecting with me and whispering it's offerings in my ears. The details will become clearer as the departure date approaches.

In the last three weeks I have been experiencing a very high volume of thought.  These energies have been flowing through on a more urgent basis partly due to letting my life take on it's own life and taking the next step in the dance. A large part of it is also due to a hyper sensitivity to what is going on globally.  Have you noticed an increase in thought lately that makes you want to protect yourself from another or create distance to feel safe? I have been feeling all of this in a hightened way. My body, a guest house to these thoughts and my awareness watching them come and go with no opinion. Resentment, sadness, defiance, happiness, contentment, anger, superiority, inferiority, enough , not enough, competitiveness, survival are all among the thoughts coming forward to be experienced.  If I believed it all, I would simply hole up in a corner and stay there frozen and immobile. Unquestioned thought has allot of credibility but once questioned, loses all power. As I was walking around  under the full moon on Wednesday, feeling a surge of thought rise up inside of my body, the Buddha emerged in my middle and begin to laugh so hard it was falling over backwards in rapture, besieged by the revelation of it's own mirth. What's so funny, I asked?  The Buddha answered, "the idea that we who are LOVE think that we are our thoughts." This is what was making the Buddha crazy. The laughter was a compassionate, kind, all loving, belly fat giggling, enjoyment of humanity in any and all of it's expression. As this rose up into my whole being,  all thought was simultaneously and effortlessly questioned  and I  began to skip , dance and improvise rhythmic meters to the moon. In so doing I was blasting through all densities and literally lightening up the whole area. At the time I had no idea. I was just dancing in the flow of the moon. In the end, blazing through the densities is why I came here to Sidney BC. It's why my consciousness came here. I wasn't on a mission (thank God for that) , I just came here because the big green go button lit up as I drove by and so I stopped and stayed for a while.  Most of the time I have no idea what I am doing but I am opening more and more to the presence that "I am" while I am moving through it. 

To put all of this in perspective, I am not saying that life has been miserable for the past few weeks. That could not be farther from my experience. What I feel compelled to share is that the sheer volume of thought has had the potential to pull me into a familiar identity but that is not what is happening despite my head getting quite a work out.  The space of awareness and light that has taken up residence in my cells has become much less like sticky fly paper and much more like a rubber duck in the rain. The result is that  I am  birthing many new ideas and concepts that I have never been aware of before. Recently I collected 5 large stones. Two of them came from the beach in Sidney,  two more from Island View Beach nearby and another from Salt Spring island. There is a sixth stone coming from Tofino but that has not happened yet.  I call it a circle of friends. I don't know why I did this, I just felt compelled to make a circle and sit in it. What I have been experiencing as a result is a depth of silence and stillness that penetrates all thought. This circle is like a opening that connects my body with the wisdom of my creator levels. It assists  me to manifest more of myself.  To pull myself into this time and space so that I have more access to the intelligence of my higher levels.  It's University at it's best and there ain't no studying involved. All I did was collect a few rocks and sit in the middle of them. Cheap tuition!

My friend and mastery teacher William Linville writes in his new book "Relationships with Everything and Everyone":
 "Letting your life take on it's own life is not letting the mind level dictate how it's going to be done and when it's going to be done and letting the mind level begin to run you. When you let things take on their own life, you are letting them be a dance and letting it all come to life. You are going to move this way to the left and a whole bunch of unfoldments take place in the space you moved from....."
 I will let this spew for itself! (spell check changed the word "speak" to spew but I am leaving it because it made me laugh and Will would definitely have a field day with it. )

Today at a Yoga class, I was reminded of my favourite Rumi poem which describes beautifully the experince of hosting thought without becoming it.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

-- Jelaluddin Rumi,
    translation by Coleman Barks

If you are experiencing a high volume of thought don't panic. You are not your thoughtsYou are not going backwards. It's just that everything is speeding up so that we can all be free that much quicker. 

January 2014 Full Moon

 (The Laughing Buddha Moon)


Sunday Jan 19th, 2014  join Kindreds Spirits (Kiala and Jewel)  as we  plant the simple seeds of Chant and Song in our lives. The Yoga Studio 9819 Fifth Street Sydney BC 1:00pm - 2:30pm. 

For an awesome radio show like no other, tune in as Jennifer Hough speaks with William Linville on all that is presenting in 2014!!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Everybody loves me , even if they don't know it yet!

Welcome to 2014

This year, Christmas season was a delight, as I moved with the various invitations that presented themselves to me. I went to Whistler BC to ski with my son and daughter,  busked in the streets of Sidney BC, participated in the Santa Clause parade, explored Salt Spring Island B.C. and many of the local beaches, performed in a series of 9 shows of "King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundish Table"  played cards,  skated, ate chocolate, shared many lovley meals,  sang karaoke and constantly created beyond the limitations of my mind. The interesting point here is that I have "this much fun" all year round.  I don't limit enjoyment and love to any season. The cool part about Christmas is that more people are available to play and love with me. It just makes the world light up that much more!

I realized today, that I am not on a Sabatical for a year or 2 as I have been describing my life since I closed the door behind me and took off Nov 3rd, 2012.  The truth is,  I am on a journey of enjoyment that will last for all of my life. I am retiring of sorts. Retiring my swords and shields that have protected me from the world. Laying down the notion of protection, competition and storage for the future and availing myself to the endless possibilities of an all loving universe. I am becoming aware that everybody loves me even if they dont know it yet. If I am loved, then what do I have to protect myself from?

With the freshness of this knowing planted in my cells (it has to be in the cells in order for it to be known) , I am moving towards more engagement  in the world community. I am not entering this year with any resolutions or strategies . Honestly people, none of that ever works in the long run. As long as we are engaged in strategic maneuvers, we are operating in a very limited realm of what I will call hopefulness for change. The routines appear to be creating the minds desired outcome, but the minute we stop the behaviour, the results go with it. Strategy  born of resolution is allot of work.  So beyond resolution,  I present the big green "GO" button that says ,"SHOW ME the the whole Universe resonating in each of the 70 trillion cells in my body. TURN ME ON." I don't have to know how this is going to unfold. In fact, the moment I  begin to speculate , I take a strategic stance and it gives more energy to the conflicts that were taught to me and internalized in my cells.  We cannot intellectualize a shift in consciousness. To move out of the limited mental and emotional levels, I am speaking of  a beautiful coming together of a community of cells within the body.  A friend of mine joked recently that she has to eat for three because there are three different peoples inside of her. We laughed and made light of it, but  what she described is true for most of us as we acquiesce to the pull of the multitude of thoughts that have a say over our lives.

It takes a certain skill set to  begin to understand what I am talking about. I use the word skill set very loosely, because it is more of a birthright. It is a knowing that is already available in each of us. It came in with us as conscious intelligence when we were born to this planet but many of us have forgotten completely or are in various phases of remembering. As a result, some people will know right away what I am pointing to and feel instantly lighter . Others will be curious and feel a nudging from their own remembering as it quietly awakens from slumber and begins entraining cellular structure to the field of unlimited possibilities. There's no work in this and  there is no competition, so it is irrelevant where you stand. 

As I awaken to the truth that I am love and I lay down my swords and shields, I am becoming more available to share love in the many ways that it pours through me.  For instance, last night, I got up and sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" at the open mic portion of the bi- monthly Ukulele gathering in Victoria BC. You might think. "big deal, you are always on stage" but it was a big deal for me. You see, I have suffered from stage fright for a very long time. It use to be a debilitating fear, but over time I have gradually replaced the fear with enjoyment. Firstly by going on stage in large groups and then smaller groups. And of course and most importantly opening to the flow of love. Over time the fright  has been reduced to a three point argument from the mind that says, "I am not ready for a solo voice" or "the time isn't right" or "I suck so why bother". LOL. But the reason I bothered is because I know how important it is to share the love that emanates in my cells. It is why I came here to this planet. It has nothing to do with how good I am anyway.  What matters is "how LOVE I am." As I sat in my chair listening to my mind's case against singing solo,  I remembered, " Oh yeah, all of these people love me even if they don't know it yet", and I got up and signed myself up. Once in front of the mic, I shared with the group of about 60 kindred spirits the promised I had made to myself to get up and sing. The promise was not a strategy but an invitation to begin enjoying sharing the love through my voice. In the past sharing has felt like a hardship and I was ready for it to be a pleasure. I also shared that I felt I was among friends.They clapped and cheered and I sensed their love and mine become one. And then it happened , I opened my mouth and love poured out. When I finished, they gave me a standing ovation. It brought tears to my eyes and many others were also moved to tears. It was a moment.

The other offering that has literally come pouring forth, is an afternoon of chant and song on January 19th, 2014. (See the poster below). As Kindred Spirits, Jewel (and believe me she is a Jewel) and I are creating magic together in our love of song, chant, sound, playfulness and silence. If you are in the area of Sidney BC, we welcome you to this  all inclusive community gathering of JOY.
