Like an underlying suppressed tsunami , the cellular memory of abandonment, isolation, loneliness, sadness and being cut off from my tribe, had hung heavy on my chest most of my life, making breathing quite difficult at times and leaving me to tire easily. The words I give to describe these memories, may come from this lifetime or from another. Knowing the origins is not important . In the 5 or so years prior to departing on the journey that took me around the world, I had felt periods of deep connection and oneness with all that is and then it would disappear. It was as though my body could only host me (my clear spirit) as a visitor and not a permanent resident. Thoughts of sadness and loss sitting in area of my heart created a resonance that was not conducive to hosting the clarity of my higher levels (my god self or creator self) . My life would open into profound clarity and then collapsed into uncertainty, causing me to yoyo between being out in the world, fully vibrant and then retreating and hiding. It was a tiring game of hide and seek.
So if wholeness came through when my higher self was connected with every cell in my body and it wasn’t a by product of people, money , houses, possessions or places, then I knew that I would need a jolt to begin dissolving the emotional lockdown. To thaw the freeze up around my heart,I knew that I needed a big shake up and that is why I gave a green light for life to have it's way with me. My mothers death was the first of the big jolts that came through. When she died, I felt like something had been ripped out from under me. I also knew immediately that everything was as it should be, even when I felt like throwing up . Her departure started the movement of unprocessed dead energy . Knowing her, she probably grabbed a chunck of it out of me as she left. Lots of it was her baggage anyway and so why not take it with her into a state where she could do something about it? I didn’t trust myself enough at that point to unleash the wall of water that stood damed behind my rib cage, like an impending Niagara falls, but the shock was enough to jump start the stagnancy.
Given the intensity of the suppression, I was truly blessed with a travel companion for the first part of my journey through Sedona and Hawaii. As with everything else along the way, what was required was always given. We spent two months together prior to departing for Australia, where my friend would met up with her partner and I would begin my solo journey.
During the first two months, touching mother earths power places in my bare feet, my identity began to deconstruct. A shamanic journey through the red rocks of Sedona Az. and through the portals of time revealed to me, for the first time, my true identity. I saw myself. I remembered who I was before all of the debris clouded my vision . I will never forget this encounter, which has been like a magnetic force pulling me forward.
In Hawaii I swam with my beloved brother/sister dolphins in what I would describe as a timeless, magical, healing, playground of delight. With my friend Joan Ocean and so many other amazing people from all over the world, we surrendered ourselves to the planetary transformation of 12 12 12 and 12 2112 . Once again we were carried through the portals of time as we sang, played, leapt through quantum realities and quieted ourselves into a new paradigm.
By the time I arrived in Australia, I could no longer hold onto my old identity and all hell broke loose. I took a wild ride through the halls of time that some might call a trip through hell, as my egoic mind deconstructed. On boxing day, while thousands of people milled around enjoying the festivities of the Woodford Music Festival, feeling completely abandoned by my travel partner’s reunion with her life partner, I layed down in my tent in the burning heat and I cried until I thought I would die. I knew that this time of undoing was the greatest gift of all. In my book, I go into more details of this death/birth but for now, suffice it to say that it was an experience like no other and felt bitter and sweet all at the same time. Once it was over, I had became a new version of myself. There was more space for me in my body. To mark the end of the festival, on new years day, January 1st , 2013, the new me found myself on stage singing in the choir of a professionally produced show while thousand of onlookers lit their candles and joined us in the chorus of Leonard Cohen's Hallelejia. To say I had goosebumps is an understatement.
As I continued to travel through Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia, the suppressed energy around my heart continued to soften. I received another needed jolt in Bali when I crashed my motor scooter. Once again, I knew a jolt was coming but I didn’t know how or when. This time the energy moved through in a more physical release. I got back on the scooter as soon my bruises and open wounds were closed up and had another month of enjoyment flying around on the ruleless roads of Bali.
As I moved into Paris and then Greece, I felt the trapped energy as an underlying panic . A constant treat of a tremor, no longer as powerful, but I was still leery of letting it out entirely. I hadn’t completely discovered yet, that safety is an inside job and I still felt quite unsafe opening the cage and facing the beast again in these foreign lands. However, the freedom that had birthed itself in me to date allowed me to move around and explore Paris with a delicious sense of adventure and curiosity.
The night of the super full moon in July, on the Isle of Naxos Greece, I had another look. By that time I had witnessed how the energy hijacked my senses and changed my personality entirely when I was in it’s grip. It would lull me into sadness and tell me that I was alone and that I needed a family , a mate and community. I knew that what it was telling me was false, because when the thoughts cleared, I felt completely fine as a solo traveller. As I sat on the beach under the luminosity of the full moon, I felt myself tilt and once again come into the grips of sadness. I just wanted to cry and never move again, but because so much of me was birthed, I simply got up and went home to my hotel. I called my daughter and friend and I asked that all of my guides, angels loved ones on the other side come forward and assist me to see again with more clarity and I went to sleep.. The next day, I went out sailing to the the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life . The dolphins came out to join us as well and I felt righted once again. I had survived another visit with the debris and once again I felt more alive. A few days later, I met a Norwegian woman, who's passion for music, like my own was quite literally tireless. We became instant soul sisters and her entire family took me in as one of their own. By the end of the week we put together a little concert at our hotel and invited staff, family and other guests for an impromtu party.
As I moved through Italy and Spain ,the sadness was an underlying companion. As long as I kept moving, it kept at bay. However, its discomfort even when I stopped, was fading and so touching it was becoming easier. As I voluntarily put my name in the hat and was chosen to be a contestant on dancing with the Norwegian Epic (cruise line) stars , I knew I was well on my way to living more vibrantly. That was one of the highlights of my entire trip.
Once I returned to Canada, and the familiar, it was then much easier to let the energy flow through. On my third night in Vancouver, after three weeks in Newfoundland, I found myself on my knees but this time without any hesitation. It was a stop drop and roll at the best Western motel. There was no where to hide from the tremor and no reason to suppress it. As I dropped to the floor, I opened to the flow and let the tears take me home. It was as though my legs willingly collapsed from under me and I felt myself being lifted into a new realm of ease grace and fluidity. I passed through the storm in record time and slept like a newborn baby held in the arms of love. With new clarity, I continued my travels to the top of Whistler Mountain , Squamish and Tofino and my connection with nature took on an unexpected profundity.
When I arrived in Victoria BC, the area I had intuitively chosen as my new home, I was at another beginning. Starting all over again. I felt that I was in the perfect place but I also felt desperatly alone. Every port of call had been a new beginning, but this one felt more destabilising because I was here to stay . It felt as though I had arrived ahead of a life. As I sat looking out at the ocean, I plotted my escape. I would collect my things , get in my car and start driving. To where, I did not know or care, I just wanted to run from the beast that was threatening to undo me once again. I went home to perceptively start packing but instead I sat still on the second floor balcony of my Air B&B accommodations and asked for help. I called friends and family and asked them to witness this undoing. In an unprecedented act, I invited myself me seen in full vulnerability by a whole community of loved ones. The light of love that came through, soothed me heart and soul and gave me wings to carry on. This was truly a pivotal moment in my life because whatever had been daunting to me, passed away in that moment and has never returned. I found a new home on the inside of myself and then my home here in Sidney BC presented itself to me with ease. I was amazed.
Touching the notes of the sounds (emotions) of loneliness are no longer locked down to me. No longer a forbidden song. The last time I felt the pull of this energy, I lay down on my bed, breathed deeply for an hour while holding my attention at my feet and it vanished. That was it. Completely gone. As I willingly give voice to all sounds, releasing whatever comes through on the wings of my breath, my cells are transmuting into billions of openings into the halls of creation.
From this place of engagement in my body, I have been able to ;
-Develop amazing skills as a Quantum Energy Transformation Facilitator and assist myself and other people/places to make profound changes
-Feel safer (feel protected)
-Live alone
-Fail and laugh at myself, especially when I fall flat on my ass (I literally do fall on my ass)
-Enjoy the discovering new places, people and activities
-Publish this blog
-Join the Peninsula Players group for the Christmas Pantomime production
-Let go. I've become brilliant at letting go of planning, letting go of stuff, ideas, people, places..etc
-To make a difference with the money I already have and stop trying to get more of what I don't really need thus letting it all expand!!
-Let my future unfold in the present moment.
-Dance when no one else is dancing
-Create a writers group in Sidney BC and invite other writers into my home
-Join a multitude of groups to play, sing, dance and be still