Sunday, 30 March 2014

Power up and let the plan find me

Taking 5
After 2 weeks of summer camp like playtime at the Kauai Beach house hostile, I felt myself being called to take 5 and let the body take a breath. In other words, I needed time to let my body catch up to all the transformations that I ran through over the course of arising through playtime.  Both my daughter Jill and I felt like a  rest away from the crowd was being requested. She had decided that she would move towards Mauai as her next stop on her own personal journey. Rather than take off with her, I checked in with myself to find that I was still perfectly where I needed to be in Kauai. We found a one bedroom condo to call home for a few days prior to her departure. It was exquisite to have mother/daughter  down time and be nourished by the beauty of the space that had a full working kitchen and our own bathroom. I kissed the fridge and hugged the counter tops in appreciation. I really mean this literally.  To be surrounded by beauty and to nestle into the softness of the clean fresh sheets and towels was the perfect treat. It felt wonderful because it was what was being requested. I would not need or want this all the time. It was simply part of a beautiful cycle that I have been running through and each part of it has been fabulous.

Once Jill departed for Mauai,  I moved across the street to a resort where I held down the hammock and starred up at the clouds for many hours feeling content to do nothing. During this NO-THING time I realized that I was still planning my life ALOT. I was still contemplating my future and attempting to control it. Because I was spending so much energy trying to be somewhere and going ahead of myself to create a safe place, I was not being fully available to be here. As I was rocked in the hammock, I said "I want to be here". I want to be here ,100% engaged without knowing what the future holds. " That choice, that awareness brought me more deeply into HOME than any plans could possibly create As I became available to be here,   my higher levels had something to play with…could take me deeper. I also realized that I was Ok with wherever I called home next because I would be able to deal with the feelings that came up. I was also aware that I had several choices and they were all viable form camping to five start hotels. I was feeling a new sense of freedom of choice and less pull of the emotional responses to not knowing where I would call home. Inspired, I  awoke at 3 am and posted an add for a room to rent on "The Heart Beat of Kauai " web site . I felt it was being answered as it was being posted. By 10 am I had a reply and a room.  Since the demand for lodging on this Island, exceeds the availability, I knew that magic had penetrated the flow and I was IN. I was IN because I chose to be IN.

View from my hammock

Now that I am nettled into my new home, a prefect fit, I feel like a new cycle has began. Another new cycle. No longer a tourist of the island or the world or my own body for that matter, I have now graduated to playful resident and explorer. As each of the 70 trillion cells in my body arise and power up with my own unique consciousness, I make myself available for the plan. This is so brilliant.  I resonate with the frequencies of my own plan and it finds me. Let the plan plan me. Brilliant! Let myself be shown what I want before I even know I want it.

Today was  my first day of having no plan at all and being available for life in this new way. I did not know what to do? So many options. I found myself feeling both low and  content off and on. I found myself asking how would I like to move today? Other than "connect with nature", I got nothing , so I  puttered and let my body rest. Slowing down, gave me the opportunity to engage love more deeply in my writing. To engage love (me) more deeply in each movement.  Perhaps, rest and  quiet was my plan all along. Good job myself. One big inhale and exhale, gives me the answer without any words at all!!

My new love nest

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Guess who caught the bouquet?

I just passed the 6 week mark here on Kauai and it just keeps getting better.  Since moving to the Kauai Beach House Hostel, life has become one big family. People come and go but there is a core OHANA (family) living each day as a song, a dance, a sharing, a kindness …... Some people are working at the hostel in exchange for lodging. Some are passing through on their way to the Kalalau trail. Still others like myself and my daughter are here to enjoy the connection through community living and partake of the bounty of this beautiful islands many beaches and trails. Every day there is a new adventure.

Last week we went zip lining. Not something I would have chosen myself but it seemed like a good idea when it came up.  With a big fat YES , I  decided go for it and abstain from worry .  I figure why worry when perhaps I am no longer the person who is afraid of speed or height. It turned out that it was true. So it would have been a waste to get worked up. After the first few launches off the edge, (a bit of a leap of faith), I developed a need  for speed . I watched a 14 year old boy launch himself off the edge and I followed suit with all I could muster.   We spent the entire day out in the stunningly gorgeous and picturesque outback of Kauai zipping and enjoying the magnificent vistas. Incidentally, this is the very land where Jurassic Park was filmed.  The day ended with a little zip into a fresh water pond. Deep transformation occurred for me that day as I let myself arise through play!!

Jill and Kiala, harnessed and ready for action !!

What you see under us is just the tree line ……the bottom is way way down there under the water falls. Very beautiful. Like the garden of Eden!!

Adventure #2 involved a trip to the end of the road on the west side of the island. After a day of deeply satisfying wave riding at Brenneckes beach in Poip'u, we headed to Pulahale for sunset. The 4.1 mile dirt road, laden with pot holes,  took approximately 30 min to navigate in our Toyota Echo. The end result was well worth the head bobbing and wear and tear on the rental car. We were treated to wild Hawaiian waters and a gorgeous vista looking down the Napali Coast. Heaven on earth. As colours of the sunset and the almost full moon penetrated our senses, we dove into the embrace of the magic of  land and sea and tumbled head long into playtime. During the  30 min return trip, we created a song line starting with "999 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" , that is surely still echoing through the area. Between  stopping for toad crossings in the now darkened road way and belting out melodies with heart opening zeal, the trip was a complete paradigmal blast.

I will end this blog by sharing the Nuptuals of Olive and Jewel. My first same sex wedding.  With very little planning (two days in fact) the ceremony was an inspiration of community giving and sharing.  The two brides declared their intention to be married and everyone jumped to contribute. We even had an in house minister who was able to perform the ceremony. Same sex marriage is legal in Hawaii but not yet legalized in their home state of Oregon. Ohana came out of the woodworks (I really mean this literally) to share their gifts and create beauty. This is what it is like to let go and let the whole universe give to you. A photographer ,who incidentally is also a pole dancer come cirque du Soleil acrobat, shared her talents.  Someone brought champagne and another chocolate with which we  toasted the new couple. Another made a bouquet and someone else appeared with flowered leis. As the ceremony was about to begin a brother showed up out of thin air to play the wedding song requested by the brides. He literally came in out of no where and sang it beautifully. OMG!!! As they pronounced their vows, the sun beamed out from behind a cloud and when they were finished a whale beached to the left. You can't plan that!!! Still gives me goosebumps. The party that followed was a delight of song , hula hooping, tree climbing, coconut pole dancing and sharing of everything. A beautiful day was gifted to all of us.

I asked for community (inside and out) and I am being gifted with it faster than I can think it. Through this connection, my body is letting go of cellularly held memories. Letting go of what I have been taught that is not true. Letting go of habitual worry.  I hear my higher levels, my divine intellect ,whisper softly  "Kialayou have been expecting the worst for a long time but we want to give you the best ride ever. Jump in sister, the waves  that we are sending you are going to take you on a journey of arisement through play. Even if you stumble, we got your back. GO FOR IT."

 Congratulations OLIVE and JEWELS


Landed in my hand like a guided missile!!! Bring it on!!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Going Over the Edge

A few days ago, I paddled out beyond the break with my boogie board and let myself be carried over the waves threshold from behind. I had been watching the surf from the beach and I knew that they were falling straight down with a bang. I went out anyway. I let the wave catch me anyway. I went over the edge and  fell right over the tumbling water fall in a nose dive. I  crashed  and was swept this way and that by the sheer force of the enormous surge. Eventually I came up for air only to be  swept away again by the next wave. Once I found my footing, and got the water out my ear, I realized that I was totally Ok . I went back out to catch the next wave (not the break you neck kind). That's evolutionary change baby…I promise you that nothing could have convinced me to take that plunge had I not shifted the terror held  in my body's cellular memory.

 CHANGE happens when the doorway to possibility becomes the one that is the most appealing. If suffering and battling and being a victim or victimiser  is more appealing, it will continue to play out in our lives. So how do we allow the doorway to THRIVING  pull us toward it so that it the only door that makes any sense on every level. WE PLUG IN AT THAT LEVEL again and again and again until it becomes the norm. As we plug in and entrain to our light realms, we become them . We experience a cellular dynamic shift. I say dynamic, because it is always in movement and always moving towards even more possibility. Even more freedom, even more creativity. It is virtual and unlimited. As we play here…... ALL  debris falls away.

STRATEGIES WILL NEVER EVER CREATE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE. WHY? Because it is like stretching a rubber band. As long as we put work into stretching it  and holding it there, it will seem to be the change we seek. BUT when we let go, for any reason and stop the behaviour, it bounces right back to it's original size.  All the  results that were created in the stretch are no longer available because no cellular change was established. This is also why therapy does not work. It  is why meditation , yoga, diets, and exercise do not produce lasting results for so many people.  Unless we are connected to the unlimited field of possibility, the door that says I choose to THRIVE and we BE in our body, "NO THING" changes.

The truth is that dynamic cellular change in the quantum field is a million times easier than strategy. I have said some of this before in earlier blogs but as I gain clarity and I make evolutionary and dynamic cellular shifts, the truth  evolves me.  When we are connected and in  the body anything can create a spontaneous shift and anybody can be bridge to assist the shift. It could be an ascended master or a baby. A homeless person or a beautiful sunset. Everything and anything can  trigger a spontaneous evolutionary shifts when we are engaged in the body in quantum. Quatum is our innate state of connectivity when all of our cells are hooked up to source.


As we continually choose the doorway to our innate AWESMAZING self , it lights up more and more easily. It becomes a channel that pulls you forward into the you that you have always known yourself to be.  As the doorway lights up, the mental and emotional battle ceases and as it ceases, the doorway lights up even more vibrantly.

For the past 16 years.  I have given my live to the vibrancy of the door of unlimited possibilities without even consciously knowing what it was doing. I just kept saying YES and I AM DONE and I SURRENDER and I AM ALL IN.   In some inexplicable way, I have always seen myself as a force of love on the planet and that has been the vibrancy that has pulled me toward it. It has little to do with success or failure. I just see myself as love and I keep following it.   Over and over again, I  have stepped in and stumbled over the edge as a new pathways presented. All these years later, the doorways that were a challenge initially, are now lighting me up like a Chirstmas tree as soon as I put my foot in the door.

Lots is still coming up and fast, to be cleared away. The truth is that I have many moments of total clarity and  then a sadness creeps in or a worry or a depression or a fear or a terror. It is easy to confuse what is at the surface and ready to be released with thinking that I am not thriving. The truth is , these sensations come and go very quickly. More quickly than I have ever experienced.  I hold possible that my next breath  will be the one that tips me over the crest of the wave and into the Beloved, never again to perceive struggle in any way.  Jesus and so many others have gone ahead of us and the pathway is well established .  I promise you that as I fall over that edge , again and again,  I am here to assist everybody to do the same.

If anyone out there is really struggling, feeling stuck, want to mov into something new but you don't know how…feeling blue and can't shift it. Feeling worried a lot of the time…I CAN HELP YOU. I am a master at moving this stuff out and making room for you toTHRIVE. I have been through all of it and felt all of it. None of it is new to me. Send me a comment with your email address if you are interested in receiving my brand of help. (I won't publish it so no one else can see it). I am certified Quantum TRANSFORMATION Coach, Professional Life Coach and Personal Mastery Teacher . I CAN HELP YOU!!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Sweet surrender to love!

Recently, while I was contemplating the waves at Kealea beach on Kauai, I man drove into my life and 9 days later he was gone. What happened in between was a sweet surrender to love and a quick exit from a relationship based on karma.

I am not going to share in a lot of detail at this time, as the experience is still tender in my cells and it is still  informing me . I will say that it was sweet to be with a man in all the ways of love after more than 7 years. It was surprised at how easily available I was of the experience and how much I was able to  receive. I hardly recognized the women I have become.

When it came time to let it go ( that became very obvious), I was able to release the catch into mama pacifica and harvest many beautifully shimmering pearls.  I recognized quickly that although love was very prevalent  and heart felt, it was not a pure marriage of heart but one that was based on passed journeys (Karma) and so became complicated as quickly as it was heartfelt.  Recognizing this, made it easy to be able to step away. I am here for love. I am awakening to love . It was wonderful to have this full on experience. Karma no longer holds us . We are not bound by the past which is why I was so quick to see it for what it was and let go. 

The bottom line is , do you want to evolve though possibility or through struggle? Do you want to play on the beach, sing, dance, make love and have fun and let the lower levels evolve through this movement or do you want to process through the incarnational karmic levels and struggle to let the light in? 

 Higher levels show me a marriage of the heart without all the debris of the past . Show me what is possible.  Who is it possible for me to become ? Show me the bounty. YOU do all the work and I will dive right in.  

                                           Love activations from Kauai……….Over the Rainbow!!