Saturday, 22 February 2014

Island time…Kiala's adventure up the Sleeping Giant.

It is truly hard to believe that only one week has gone by since my last post.  It feels like months. Living on Kauai on island time, makes it feel that way because time is not linear here and going with the flow rather than the clock feels normal.  Last week I decided to hike the sleeping Giant which is a small mountain just outside of Kapaa. Rather than consult a guide book, I to let myself be guided by the mountain . My first stop was to visit the Hindu Monastery. Quoted directly from there website, " This powerful spiritual sanctuary was founded in 1970 by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001). It is the home of Bodhinatha and his order of 21 swamis, yogis and sadhakas from six nations. The monastery is the headquarters and theological seminary of Saiva Siddhanta Church. It is also home to Himalayan Academy, Hinduism Today magazine and Hindu Heritage Endowment.
Two traditional Saivite Hindu temples are located on the monastery's 363 acres, Kadavul Temple and the San Marga Iraivan Temple, a rare, all-granite Chola-style temple currently being carved in Bangalore, India, and assembled on Kauai. The lush temple grounds are home to granite murtis of Dakshinamurti, Hanuman, Shanmugam, Narmada Lingam, Murugan's Shakti Vel, Ganesha, Nandi, the Guru Parampara and more.
This Monastery, a tropical paradise, is a powerful amplifier of consciousness. There is giant Quartz crystal at the fore front of the Kadavul Temple, brought over from Arkansas and graciously reaching out to all who come to sit with her in stillness.  Silently gazing at the crystal adorned with hindu dressings,  I became keenly aware that making it into some sort of GOD to revere ,would be to create purpose out of something that is simply in a state of beingness. It's clarity is here to assist us to bring more of our beautiful divine essence into the world and into our bodies.  When I left the temple,  I felt like I had taken an internal shower. I felt like myself again.

Just outside of the temple, in the little court area is a  large Andara crystal , exquisitely pretty and powerfully gentle.

 Andara Crystal


Back tracking a little, on route to the temple I had seen two people preparing to hike so I stopped to ask them if this was the entrance to the sleeping giant. They confirmed . I knew that there were several entrances to the mountain and all were of different lengths and challenges. I didn't know what this particular trail would bring, but felt it would be a good place to start. With shoes tied to my back back, I set off barefoot. The trail was gushy with mud and wet with the newly fallen rains.  It was very slow going barefoot but I was enjoying the slowness, therefore summiting the mountain did not matter to me. The journey was the destination. After about 2 miles, my body felt like it was tiring and I was just about to turn around when a fresh mountain stream appeared on my pathway . Dipping my feet into this bountiful flow, I felt  immediately energized and continued to walk forward. I was also aware that I had a 4:00 pm telephone appointment and had to return to my car at that time. However, once I reached the the ascent, my feet took over and I kept following them. I gave over any throught of the phone appointment and put it in the hands of grace as I followed my bliss.  I didn't even know what time it was and I had no idea how long I had been walking. Following the trail upward, I continued to be treated to delicious sensations through the bottoms of my feet as they travelled the path.  Alas ,when  I did reach the summit , I was treated to panoramic views of the ocean, valley, mountains and a feeling of quiet serenity in my body. Walking barefoot was deeply purifying and invigorating in a way that I had never experienced. My legs ceased to be tired as the energies of the earth moved up into my body and treated me to more vitality, freshness and deep peace. Eventually, the time came to descend and I felt the perfection of  wearing my hiking shoes so that I could move faster. My first attempt at descending, I  took the wrong trail and met a young couple who gave me more water. Perhaps it was not the wrong trail but the right one to the water source. I re ascended  and started over again . Once back on the track, the descent was fast .  I still wondered if I could make the treck all the way back without feel extremely fatigued but I willingly kept moving forward. At the bottom, turning left yielded a dead end. Where had my trail along the bottom of the mountain relocated to? It was a mystery. Backtracking once again,  I  decided to follow a fellow hiker and I ended up back out on the highway miles away from my car. As I began walking on the road,  my intuition said "hitchhike". I hadn't done that since I was 17 and so with a little reluctance, I stuck out my thumb, mouthed  a little prayer for the right ride to come along and a man named Richard picked me up. He said he felt sorry for me when he saw my reluctant thumb. We laughed. As resident of the area he knew exactly where I had parked. Apparently I wasn't the first wayward hiker . I reached my car at 3:59 pm and one minute later my phone rang for my 4:00pm appointment. NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL ISLAND TIME BABY!!!

Friday, 14 February 2014


I have been on the island of Kauai for 15 days to date .  In this land of laser fast manifestation, the less  I direct the better.  I am experiencing  a very gentle dissolvement of fear as the alchemy of my higher levels and the island combine to inform my body of a new paradigm. To inform me of LOVE.  It isn't actually new, because it is as old as the universe(it is the universe) but it feels like renewal . It is a complete cellular rejuvenation. A dynamic cellular shift from a state of domination and control to a state that is so wide open it is allowing me to take up residence in my own body . The state of domination and control that I am referring to is a  subtle worry that moves around from one body part to another like a worm, creating physical and/or emotional pain,  carrying with it mis information about the reality of safety and love.  As I  have said many times before in this blog, safety (love)  is an inside job. As all identity is dissolved, safety (love) becomes the reality of a wide openness that encompasses everything and therefore has nothing to defend against . SAFETY (LOVE)  IS WHO WE ARE. IT IS WHAT WE DISCOVER WHEN FEAR DISSOLVES.

I was strolling along the beach yesterday playing my Ukulele and a woman emphatically called me towards her, intrigued by my ukulele playing and unwilling to miss an opportunity to be serenaded. She said to me , "you are a beautiful young women and you will meet someone soon. Maybe even here on the island. " The way this presented was so unusual and so passionate that I walked away feeling that I been hand delivered  a note that the beloved of my heart would soon enter the stage.  My mastery teacher William Linnville tells me that this will be a beautiful challenge for me. . He says, " I love your independence, and it can work for you hands down, but not when your independence is dependent on how many football fields you can keep others away. Your challenge is how close can  you let dear brothers in." Last week I met someone with whom I had an instant sweet and heartfelt connection. As I walked along the beach, I suddenly looked up and saw a beautiful man smiling in my direction. I sat with him and we chatted effortlessly making a loose plan to meet the next day. As this unfolded, I opened and let myself be available with great clarity Nothing came of it, because he was not yet available to let love flourish but it felt wonderful to stand at the edge and be available to fly forward.

Come to the edge," he said. They said, "We are afraid." Come to the edge," he said. They came. He pushed them...and they flew.” ― Guillaume Apollinaire.

 OHANA…Soul family!

Hiking and climbing barefoot in the mud and rain and feeling the resonance of the land beneath my feet.

Wailua River Valley

The bounty at the end of a great day of hiking and exploring. Thank you to Danny Hashimoto our tour guide for a wonderful day , for the great photos and the amazingly beautiful and tasty treats.

Friday, 7 February 2014

ALOHA Spirit on the island of LOVE

Last week I left off saying that I didn't yet know where I would lay my head that night (in Kauai). I left my hotel feeling homeless and free and homeless and despairing. As I tuned out of the parking lot, my mind was saying, "I am not ready for this " and then a huge wave of love would come through and say "YES you are ready. There is nothing you need to do to prepare yourself. You have dome everything. You have percolated everything that you need. You are OK and you are ready. "  So with that reassurance, I turned left and headed south. I hadn't yet seen that part of the island, so it seemed as good of a course as any. On the surface it doesn't really look like a big deal. After all, I had a credit card, a phone with a local number and a car. Some people move around with far less that this and I have since met them. What was causing the uproar and insecurity was the disconnect from having unanchored myself from any physical location of a perceptual home . To the mind this is like jumping out of an airplane. However, just like sky diving, there was an excitement for the unlimited potential to create while in flight.

The first thing that presented for me was a new car. I had been driving a 2000 Honda accord, which to me felt like a hummingbird driving a tank. The rental car place exchange my accord for a Toyota Echo, a much better match for a Fiat driver.

With my new wings, I continued to travel south and ended up on the beach in Poipu. This is an area that is kind of like a huge cruise ship. It is a village of time shares and does not have the same feel of freshness and freedom as I experienced in the north and east of the island where I had spent the first three nights. To me this place felt soul less. On the surfae, it looked like families having fun and playing but in my body I felt a huge suppression of the divine feminine. As I lay on the beach, a crushing depression came over my heart.  As I continued to lay there, I could hear my higher levels saying, "you are in the birth canal and only you can go through this canal. You cannot take anybody or anything with you." I just lay there and let it wash over me all the while wanting to bolt. Because I had felt these strong feelings before on a little Greek island called Anti Paros (off of an island called Paros),  I knew the thoughts were not me. However this did not lessen the intensity that was taking me over. Although every particle of my being  wanted to jump ship, I jumped in the water instead and broke the cycle enough to feel more of Kiala inside my body.  Going through the birth canal really just means activating the body so that it is not affected by what comes at it from the  masses.  With enough of me restored,  I packed up  and headed north again. Feeling very weepy, I chanted all the way home. I call it home because for whatever reason,  I felt that I was going home. Also my mind already had me on an plane back to BC and I was heading towards the airport .  In the end I found a place called  the Kauai Sands hotel and life changed instantly.  It was all  there waiting for me once I came through the birth canal and was pushed out into the authenticity of the island. I was given a poolside room with an ocean view on the lanai. Because the body was still thrumming from the experience down south,   I contacted several friends to help transmute what was still hanging on, and then I moved in.  I literally moved into my body in a new way . Immediately, soul family started to show up. It was like they were always going to be here and we were always going to meet. Everyone has their own storey of how they arrived at this place but all who have become friends were all called by mother Kauai and we all answered the call.

Once I found a place to call home, I felt an insatiable desire to see the entire island, so I booked a helicopter tour. Actually this is the only way to see the entire island as most of it is not accessible by car. Never having been in a helicopter, the ride was a complete thrill. Beyond the thrill were cellular activations given to me by the island as we hovered over her in all her splendour. After the ride, I felt lit up like a christmas tree. I spent the evening in the quiet of the hotel and the ocean to take it all in.

Of all the places I have travelled thus far, this isle oozes the most  love. Everyone I meet has a smile and is willing to be a friend, if only for a few minutes.  Yes, people are on vacation and have left their worries behind, that is true, but it is different here.  There is kindness that is like a virus. The island emanates this kindness.  There are areas of suppression like I felt in Poipu and of course some people who's hearts are suppressed but eventually all of that will  be transmuted as more of us return to our home, both geographically and cellularly. Anyone with a suppressed heart has a tremendous amount of courage to come here and be here because it will begin to break loose.

Favourite fun things I have immersed myself in this week are (drum roll please);

1. A Hawaiian dance recital that featured young and very accomplished dancers, mastered by their  Kumu (teacher) Leilani (pictured below) . Not only did they Hula but they also featured dances, songs and drumming  from New Zealand and Tonga. I felt myself being carried on the wings of the Aloha spirit and I went home smiling to the core.

People call this island "Layed back", I  call it LOVE.  It is the isle of love. If there is a Garden of Eden it is here on Kauai.

Kumu Leilani

2. An evening of Ukulele and Hawaiian song during which I got to play on stage with a whole group of Ukulele enthusiasts. I jumped into this surprising invitation like one who sees a fine wave and knows that the surf will be a thrill.

3. I was invited by a new friend local friend who has lived here for 13 years,  to the end of the road up north of Hanlei during the rains. We were accompanied by a three year old angel boy. The rains were fresh and invigorating and the ocean roared with 8-10 ft waves. The little boy was like being with a pure crystal as his blue eyes and blonde hair and pure sound lit up my heart.

Last night I slept for 10 hours, letting my cells catch up to all that they have been drawn into. Today I am off on another invitation to explore. In Kauai, I have discovered that all invitations and even minor plans are subject to falling through the cracks. Easy come and easy go. As one invitation crashes, another one shows up around the next bend.  My hotel is right next to a preserved sacred site who's very vibration makes it easy to be still.

What else is in store? What else will present?  Each day is a surprise as I cease to plan and open to all that is here and all that wants to play.