Friday, 22 August 2014

Are you brave enough to get rid of Grandma's china?

 It's time to EMPTY THE CART beautifuls!

When we attempt to put more stuff in a full cart, it falls out and tumbles away. The bummer is that most of the stuff in the cart, taking up valuable space, is junk. It is time to  clean out all of our  old 'stuff' so that we can become  receivers of the new. We don't need to stock pile and save stuff.

Sweet beloved friends, today is the only day that matters ever. Even grandma's china, grandpa's watch, or  old uncle Henry's antique table keeps you anchored to a system of old information about who you are. If you love the china or the the watch or the table and it resonates with you and makes you feel light hearted, then it is serving you now as a tool to know the you that you truly are.(long run on sentence ...but necessary). If it is not an object of love, it is anchoring you down and might as well be a ball and chain. You stuff is not your friend unless it is in motion and energizing your life.

The memorabilia from your childhood and your children's childhood is just stuff. Stuff that was created as a tool to express who we were at that point on our evolution, is still just stuff. Once it is created, and no longer serves a purpose, it can be released just like a sand castle is washed away with each tide. We can let it go and re -create. If something you created is hanging on your wall and you love it, then it is still assisting you and walking with you but  if it is dull and flat and done and it is there to please somebody else, please tak'er down and put 'er at the curb with a "take me I'm free sign". Or an even better sign might be , " for the love of God take this stuff so that I can be free to be me."  It's just stuff. Once you create space in your cart, it will begin to fill up with juicy delights that will nourish your path. Doesn't that sound yummy?

"Flat Anatara" and "Flat Kiala "shopping for delicious delights!

When My mother passed away almost two years ago, I cleaned out her apartment and gave everything away. At first ,I hauled some of her items home . Some I enjoyed, some I thought other family members would appreciate and some I thought should be kept. In the end, it only created a lot of busy work for an already exhausted version of myself at that time.  In time, I gave it all away. All of it except for a pair of dragon fly earrings that I happen to love. A love for the freedom that the dragon fly represented for both myself and my mother.  When I wear them, I wear freedom. My mothers stuff was not her, it was just a representation of what gave her comfort in this life. It was the stuff that represented who she thought she was. If I had held on to that version of her to give me comfort, then I would have stopped expanding into the me that I have now become. My mother would never have wanted that for me anymore than  your departed loved ones would want to incarcerate you with their stuff. I invite you to let it go. Use it and love it  or sell it or give it away. It isn't you!!

This is my invitation to everyone………..clean out the basement, the garage, the storage lockers, the books, the cars, the clothes………...even the house if that applies to you……. and watch how your old emotional content starts to bubble up and leave. It has no other choice. Once you let go of the anchor, you start to feel so much lighter and all the relationships around you reflect your light!!

A few months ago, I enrolled in a 6 month Quantum Energy Mastery program and paid $2000  upfront in  non refundable cash.  A month into it, I realized that it was complete for me. Rather than pull myself  backwards through a camels ass (I made up that expression) because I paid for the course, I resigned  and asked my higher self to transfer all of the energy of the $2000 into the next evolution of myself.  I let go of $2000 just like that and walked into the next chapter. Within a week all the money came back to me with an additional $100 to boot!!I was able to sell the course to a friend for $1500 and revenue Canada unexpectedly deposited over $600 in my account.

When your cart is spacious, you can constantly bring in new delights to enjoy and then let them go and enjoy more new delights and then let them go and enjoy more new delights…..this is what  I call sustainability. It is a new perception of sustainability based on everything being in motion.

Let go  and evolve effortlessly into a you that is sustainable and can manifest anything really quickly. The more that we understand and know about instant manifestation, which is another word for sustainability, the more easily that we will choose to let go and re create without judgement or fear. It is all here , we just have to open and receive a version of ourselves that knows where it all exists.

Quantum play journeys is offering two more free tele-classes to assist you to empty your JUNK and have a joy ride with AWESOME!! Our last FREE class was such a brilliant success and that we felt compelled to offer two more.

Join us Aug 28th or Sept 11th, 2014 at 5 pm PST. 

Sign up here!

Flat Kiala and Flat Anatara invite you to a FREE Tele-Class.
Anatara shares a beautiful message from her cottage in Ontario, Canada


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

FREE TELE-CLASS Aug 14th, 2014

 FREE Tele-Class Countdown!!!

Have you ever noticed that when you keep doing the same thing, you get the same results? Join us, let's see what can change. Let's find out what's possible when we step out into the new ! Become the person who no longer needs the problem!
JOIN us for an amazing broadcast of RECEPTIVITY. Rewire your antennae AND STOP EFFORTING YOUR LIFE. Start RECEIVING INTO EXISTENCE!! 

WHY this class and why NOW? If you are feeling called to this broadcast it is because you have been anticipating receiving yourself through this venue. It is the perfect recipe , the supreme alchemy that has been gathering momentum patiently. NOW it is ready! Let's go! Let's do this! Let's live magnificent lives. It is what we came here for!!

Join us AUG 14TH, 2014 AT 5:00PM PST. IT"S FREE!!

Check out our Upcoming Tele-seminar series Starting in  September called "Opening to Everything"

Friday, 8 August 2014

If I can do it, so can you!

One year ago today, as my West Jet flight circled above the Vancouver airport , my heart pounded so loudly  it sounded like another jet engine.  I was about to launch myself into a new life, a new world and a more expanded version of  me . Let's  face it, I came here to live big. As we circled above the newness that was yet to be revealed to me, I said to myself, "imagine what your life will be like in one year from now. " This simple statement gave me the courage to step off the plane! I followed my heart with what I knew in that moment. I had one nights lodging and a 19 year old college daughter to greet me.  I knew what I knew, no more and no less. It was enough to get started.  We never have to know the whole picture. That's GOD/Creator/ Higher Self/Universes job. All we need is the  courageous to step out knowing the bit that we do know and letting the rest be revealed.

Holy Crap what an amazing year it has been!

To say I am not the same person who stepped off that plane would be the understatement of the year. 
I won't bore you with a list but if you are interested in my adventures , I invite you to read previous blog posts.

Now it's time to Celebrate!! Yeah me. I am a being of great courage, kindness, love and bubbly joy. Everyday I open more to the beautiful potency of who it is possible for me to become. 

THREE CHEERS FOR ME!  Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!!

If I can do it, so can you!

What are you celebrating today? Who is the you that wants to know the expression of making a fool out of yourself  for love. I mean the jump up and down kind of of awesomeness that says YIPPEEEEEE, I found a  shiny coin.  YOU CAME HERE TO LIVE AN AWESOME LIFE. Are you ready to get the ball rolling?

My colleague and long friend Anatara Buckely and I are hosting a FREE TELE-CLASS August 15th, 2014 at 5:00pm PST. 

What are you stepping off into right now that has your heart pounding? What are you not stepping off into that is creating anxiety, depression and pain?  Does your business need a boost?  Are you stuck in a relationship?  Are you ready for a carriere change?  Are you struggling with a body image?  Are you in physical pain? Are you in the " I just don't even know what I want" category? As you become a receiver of the vibration that is your innate, natural state, the whole universe moves in to assist you. As you choose a new direction, everything can and will be revealed.

Let's see how we can guide you to bring in the  highest potential of a you that is ready and ripe to be embodied and embraced. Once you let go of the limitations that are holding you back,  you are free. You don't need to crash , go broke or get sick to get your own attention.  Money, optimal health and well being, travels and heart felt relationship are all our birthrights! 

JOIN US for live guidance, coaching, Q&A  and live JOY activations! Let's cross over the threshold into an amazing life! 
Sign up here


When you become a receiver, the first thing you feel is safety!